By Keith Fitz-Gerald Contributing Editor
Insiders trade when they know something. They’re not supposed to, but they do anyway. It’s just a fact of life.
Most of the time, it’s pretty petty-ante stuff, but occasionally a trade comes along that makes even jaded professionals like me sit up and take notice.
Just such a trade surfaced last Wednesday when anonymous parties agreed to buy and sell 120,000 SPY September call options using deep-in the-money strikes ranging from 60 to 95.
If you’re not options savvy, don’t worry. SPY (AMEX: SPY) – also referred to as a “Spider” in trader parlance – is an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that mimics the performance of the stock market’s closely watched Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (INX). These strike prices equate to a SPY trading between 600 and 950, or roughly 35.81% to 59.46% below where it was Monday.
Any way you cut it, this is a monster trade because it controls 12,000,000 SPY shares. In fact, at a blended price of $7,500 per option, this works out to a $900 million bet that will play out by Sept. 21, when these options expire.
Why haven’t you heard about this on your favorite cable TV money show, or read about it in the business section of your favorite newspaper? Simple: There are just so many possible explanations for this trade that your head would spin. The chances are good that the current lot of reporters just aren’t able to make heads nor tails out of this deal; and with nobody talking, there are simply no warm bodies to interview.
But that hasn’t stopped the professionals in the trading community from trying to figure it all out. In fact, since the trade first came to light about a week ago, the professional trading community I’m a part of has been abuzz with conjecture. That alone makes this a highly unusual trade because – like any small, professional community – we can usually figure out who’s doing what to whom and why – without even having to rely on more than one or two educated guesses. We just know.
But this time around, nobody’s talking.
Naturally, this silence has put the conspiracy theorists on edge and set the blogosphere aflame. Most of the theories are outrageous, but there are a couple that – quite frankly – aren’t so farfetched and even make some sense. But I have to stress, once again, that nobody who’s actually a party to either end of this transaction has been identified or is talking, which makes this all the more noteworthy – and maybe even a little spooky.
So absent the “who,” let’s take a moment and see if we can’t focus on, and figure out, the “why.”
Pushing aside anything that has to do with UFOs, the “third gunman” on the grassy knoll, the Philadelphia Experiment, or the Soviet K-129 submarine’s failed nuclear strike on Pearl Harbor, my experience as a longtime global-capital-markets trader tells me that there are actually some very real and very rational possibilities amidst the wild hypotheses circulating on the Internet. But, they’re just that – possibilities. And even with my admittedly conservative analysis, the scenarios I provide here could be wrong … either completely, or in part. Conversely, there may be an element of truth to one or more of these.
So let’s take a look at several of the possible scenarios that I’ve crafted for you.
My advice is that this trade is an important piece of information for investors. Sure you can read the conspiracy theories or plug into the professional traders network, but at the end of the day, all you’ll be left with is still more conjecture.
That’s why I’ll stop short of advancing my own theories as to who made this trade and why.
Instead, I urge you to focus on the facts that we know, which is that somebody traded some very large blocks of options at some very unusual price points a mere three weeks prior to expiration. This means that at least one-half of the traders involved expect something big to happen, and pronto, while the other half hopes that nothing will happen – and feels confident enough to believe that they’re correct.
Interestingly, since I’ve been investigating this admittedly fascinating topic and talking about it at length with my network of professional trading colleagues, there’s been continued trading in the September 60, 65 and 70 strikes, which have added another 6,000 lots of open interest between them in the last few days.
Now for the $64,000 question…
There are clearly two courses of action available to individual investors, and each is uniquely dependent on what the investor thinks that this trade suggests.
The bottom line here is that we may never know who placed the trades. But what we do know is that the trades were placed, and that other investors are apparently piling on for reasons that will only become known in hindsight – if at all.
And this, my friends, makes the trades noteworthy – if for no other reason than they are, like so many things in the global capital markets these days, a complete enigma at the very moment the decisions you must make are at their toughest.
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