Midday Market Update: Stocks Slightly Up on Last Day of Quarter

By Jennifer Yousfi Managing Editor On the final day of the first quarter, stocks headed slightly higher on the back of higher energy prices. “The...

Pernod Ricard $8.9 Billion Bid for Vin & Sprit Group Adds Absolut Vokda, Debt

By Mike Caggeso Associate Editor France’s Pernod Ricard SA won a highly contested auction to buy V&S Group – makers of Absolut vodka and...

Don't Let the "Lost Decade" for Stocks Cause You to Lose Your Way

By William Patalon III Executive Editor Money Morning/Money Map Report For years, certain advisors have touted the "buy-and-hold" strategy...

Don't Be Fooled by a Lull in M&A Activity, More Deals Are on the Way

By Jason Simpkins Associate Editor The U.S. buyout market is about to enter a new phase, as corporate takeovers pick up where private-equity firms...

Wall Street Firms Taking Full Advantage of New Access to Fed Discount Window

By Jennifer Yousfi Managing Editor Wall Street firms borrowed on average more than $30 billion a day from the U.S. Federal Reserve discount window in...

European Antitrust Regulators to Review Nokia's $8.1 Billion Bid for Digital Mapmaker Navteq

By William Patalon III Executive Editor Money Morning/The Money Map Report European Union antitrust regulators have launched an in-depth...

Beijing's $40 Billion Olympic Investment: How Investors Can Take Home the Gold

By Jason Simpkins Associate Editor The 85,000-mile relay that will culminate with the lighting of the Olympic torch got underway March 24. The torch...

South Korea' C&M Cable Scooped by MBK Partners and Macquarie Group for $2 Billion

By Mike Caggeso Associate Editor Private equity firm MBK Partners and Australia' Macquarie Group have completed a $2 billion joint acquisition of...

Brazilian Telecom Giant Could be in the Making

By Mike Caggeso Associate Editor After months of negotiations, Brazilian telecommunication titan Oi Participacoes (TNE) has reached an agreement to...

Midday Market Update: Stocks Rally in Early Morning Trading

By Jennifer Yousfi Managing Editor Stocks rallied in early morning trading today (Friday), buoyed by renewed confidence in the financial and...

Global Investing Roundups

American Express Scoops GE's Corporate Payment Services; Sharp Sheds Light on New Solar Plant; Fed to Investigate Countrywide Takeover; Lennar Falls...

Once Wall Street Embraced the Securitization Shuffle, it's Been no Wonderful Life for Borrowers or Investors

By Martin HutchinsonContributing Editor Contrary to what Wall Street would have you believe, this appalling sloppiness that created the subprime...

Fourth Quarter GDP Unrevised; Flat First Quarter Expected

By Jennifer Yousfi Managing Editor The U.S. economy only grew 0.6% in the fourth quarter of 2007. "The credit crunch and rising inflation teamed to...

Will Ben "The Mad Hatter" Bernanke Send the U.S. Economy Down the Rabbit Hole?

By Peter D. SchiffGuest Columnist How do you know when you're "through the looking glass?" One terrific clue is when the price of gold - which...

Oil Prices Surge After Basra Bombings

By Jason Simpkins Associate Editor After surging nearly $5 Wednesday, light, sweet crude for May delivery rose as much as $2.05 to $107.95 a barrel...

Qatar and Abu Dhabi SWFs Agree to Start Joint $2 Billion Acquisition Fund

By Mike Caggeso Associate Editor The sovereign wealth funds of Qatar and Abu Dhabi, a United Arab Emirates state, have agreed to start up a $2...

Midday Market Update: Tech and Financial Shares Drag on the Markets

By Jennifer Yousfi Managing Editor The U.S. stock indices trended lower for the second straight day on continued concerns about the technology and...

Have We Hit The Bottom?

By Keith Fitz-GeraldInvestment DirectorMoney Morning/The Money Map Report Since March 17th, when the S&P 500 tested a low of 1256.98, the markets...

Tata Targets Jaguar and Land Rover for Long-Term Returns

By Martin HutchinsonContributing Editor The world automobile industry is being turned upside down. Yesterday's purchase of the luxury brands of Land...

Global Investing Roundups

Citi Settles Suit Over Enron; Vale Fails to Acquire Xstrata; Morgan Stanley Struggles to Move CICC Stake; Motorola to Split Amid Falling Sales;...

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