Gazprom-Ukraine Dispute Could Leave Europe Out in the Cold

By Jason Simpkins Associate Editor Money Morning Russia’s state-run energy monopoly, OAO Gazprom, is warning its European customers that a dispute...

Lower Initial Jobless Claims Hide Surging Unemployment

By Don MillerContributing WriterMoney Morning Initial claims for unemployment benefits fell by 94,000 last week, the biggest drop in 16 years, the...

Gold Bugs Have Fed to Thank for Recent Rally

By Don Miller Contributing WriterMoney Morning The currency markets reaction to the Federal Reserve’s recent interest rate cuts has ignited a rally...

Global Investment News Roundup

Barclays: Japan 4Q GDP Will Shrink 12.1%; Holiday Sales Worst Since 1970; American Greetings Buys Recycled Paper Greetings; Consumer Confidence Hits...

U.S. Home Prices Post Record 18% Annual Drop in October

By Mike Caggeso Associate Editor Money Morning Falling sales and rising foreclosures has chopped 18% from home prices in 20 major U.S. cities from...

GMAC Loosens Credit Reins After $6 Billion Treasury Loan

By Don Miller Contributing Writer Money Morning The U.S. Treasury has agreed to lend $6 billion to GMAC LLC (GOM), the financing arm of General...

Some Latin American Markets Show Profit Potential in the New Year, While Others Pose Risk

The “right” Latin America will thrive in the New Year, fueled by ts own growth – with an assist from the continued hot growth from China –...

Global Investing Roundups

Mid-East Violence Drives Crude Higher; IndyMac to be Sold by Year’s end; Retailers in for Tough Start to 2009; Six-month Treasury Rate Hits...

Buy, Sell or Hold: Mine Profits From BHP Billiton

With BHP Billiton Ltd. (NYSE ADR: BHP), it’s a case of the strong getting stronger and possibly even running away from the pack. Back in 2001, BHP...

Unprecedented Volatility Will Continue to Rock the Stock Market in Advance of a Possible Rebound in Mid-2009

[Editor's Note: With the New Year upon us and in response to the positive feedback we've received from our "Outlook 2009" economic forecasting series...

Shift in China Trade Policy Could Accelerate Western Steelmakers’ Slump

By Don Miller Contributing Writer Money Morning The steel business faces its biggest hurdle in 60 years with some analysts predicting double digit...

Kuwait Dumps Dow Chemical, Putting Rohm & Haas Deal at Risk

By Jason SimpkinsAssociate EditorMoney Morning The Dow Chemical Co. (DOW) may be forced to abandon its takeover of Rohm & Haas Co. (ROH) now that...

Why Crude Oil Will Present Investors with a Golden Opportunity in 2009

[Editor's Note: This is the ninth installment of our “Outlook 2009” series, which looks at the global investing outlook for the New Year.] By...

Emerging Markets - Especially BRIC Economies - "Bottoming"

By Mike Caggeso Associate Editor Money Morning Emerging markets investors have always had famed investor Jim Rogers on their side. Now – after the...

For the U.S. Economy in the New Year, the Pain Will Precede the Promise

[Editor's Note: With the New Year upon us, it's a good time for investors to be looking ahead. With that in mind, Money Morning will be running...

What Shape Will the U.S. Recession Take: U, W or 'Bloody L?'

By Martin Hutchinson Contributing Editor Money Morning/The Money Map Report Right now, the conventional wisdom seems to be that the United States is...

Company Layoffs: More Companies Trim the Fat without Trimming the Workforce

By Jason Simpkins Associate Editor Money Morning The U.S. unemployment rate, currently at a level of 6.5%, could rise to 8% next year. But it could...

Happy Holidays! Money Morning Readers Weigh In

Dear Money Morning Reader: The end of another year approaches, giving us the opportunity to thank you for your continued interest and support and to...

Recession Deepens as U.S. Economy Shrank 0.5% in Third Quarter

By Mike Caggeso Associate Editor Money Morning The U.S. economy shrank 0.5% in the third quarter, marking the slowing pace since 2001 and continuing...

Five Ways to Play Gold's Rebound to $1,500 an Ounce

[Editor's Note: With the New Year upon us, it's a good time for investors to be looking ahead. With that in mind, Money Morning will be running...

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