The housing market has struggled to rebuild since its 2007 collapse, and its recovery is on even shakier ground now that a tax credit for first-time...
After months of intense political pressure, China last week announced that it would allow its currency to gradually appreciate against the U.S....
For decades, investors with an interest in Latin America were essentially limited to two choices: Invest in countries that were moderately badly run;...
China ended up being the big story this month, as investors looked past Europe to the Far East for clues about what shape the global recovery - if...
With U.S. consumers still feeling the sting of the global financial crisis, consumer advocacy groups are claiming that they snagged a win with the...
Under pressure from investors to provide more transparency, European Union (EU) officials are widening the scope of banking stress tests to include...
KYOTO, Japan - Japan's Nikkei 225 is half the relative price of the U.S.
The biggest surge in the value of the U.S. dollar since 2005 appears to be waning, as traders retreat from bets against the euro and other ...
Stock options are among the most versatile tools available to investors. They can be used as a low-cost way to speculate on expected price...
The Group of 20 (G20) countries concluded their weekend summit with an outline for reducing budget deficits and a delay in global banking reform,...
Most textbook economists say that the U.S. economy is engaged in a broad-based recovery. But while there's a consensus that there's no...
It seems like every week there's a new development that forces investors to rethink their investment strategies. This week we will see...
Stocks spilled the past week like water over a broken dam as investors priced in more evidence that consumers, businesses and home-buyers have gone...
Drawing a line in the sand over the federal deficit, Senate Republicans on Thursday killed a spending bill that included an extension of unemployment...
The U.S. dollar has been one of the world's strongest currencies in the first part of 2010. But, is the greenback really the bet choice for safety,...
The biggest Wall Street regulation overhaul since the Great Depression was approved after 20-hour House-Senate negotiations ended this morning...
Uganda has found oil, and lots of it. But it lacks the ability to turn crude into needed oil products, like gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and...
Administration officials announced this week that...
European countries - both inside and outside the Eurozone - are slashing their budget deficits.
Greece is not the big story of Europe anymore - just a smoke screen. The big story is Spain and the United Kingdom, and the news is getting...