Just How Big Will Your "Obamacare Surprise" Be?...Wait Until You See This Chart

When touting his signature healthcare reform law, the "Affordable Care Act," President Barack Obama promised it would "cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

But a new congressional study says Obamacare has, in fact, increased the average family premium by $3,000 - and that's before the most costly requirements of the law take effect next year.

"Higher healthcare premiums are the last thing single young adults and working families can afford," the report stated. "Yet contrary to what the president promised, that is exactly what Obamacare is projected to do."

The report compiles data from over 30 studies scrutinizing the effect of Obamacare provisions on healthcare premiums.

The chart below estimates increases in unsubsidized family healthcare premiums due to Obamacare by state.

Needless to say, it's nowhere close to what President Obama promised. Take a look at how big your premium surprise could be:

obamacare chart

Source: "The Price of Obamacare's Broken Promises"

March 2013

Prepared by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Majority Staff; Senate Committee on Finance, Minority Staff; Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Minority Staff

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