How to Invest Like a Millionaire

One of the reasons the rich keep getting richer is that they know where to put their money to get the best returns - and, typically, the wealthier the investor, the more savvy the investments.

So for those of more modest means, it can pay to learn how to invest like a millionaire.

how to investFor one thing, millionaires have access to better information than most investors and so can make more informed decisions. To get a similar benefit, average investors need only follow their lead.

But there's another, even more important reason to watch how millionaires invest: The top 10% of Americans own more than 80% of the stocks. An infusion of capital on that scale means that when the rich take a liking to a particular investment, the price will almost surely rise.

So, where are these rich investors putting their money today?

Recently CNBC commissioned a Millionaire Survey - people with investible assets of $1 million or more - to determine what the rich thought of the markets, the economy, and where they were planning to invest.

One of the most positive signs that emerged from the survey is that millionaires are generally optimistic about the markets - which means they'll be fueling more share-price gains.

More than half (54%) said they believed the Standard & Poor's 500 Index will end the year up 5% to 10%, while 16% are expecting a 10% to 15% pop. Just 16% see the S&P 500 ending the year flat, and only a handful, 7%, think the index will drop 5% to 10%.

When asked about asset classes, the millionaires still prefer stocks, even with the markets flirting with record highs. Over the next year, 46% planned to buy stocks, 21% fixed income, and just 14% short-term cash instruments (the balance was spread among an assortment of investment classes, such as real estate, international investments, and precious metals).

Those surveyed said they currently have 44% of their investments in stocks, with 15% in fixed income and 19% in real estate.

But for most investors, it was what these millionaires had to say about their favorite sectors for 2014 that's most valuable...

Favorite Sectors: The Key to How to Invest Like a Millionaire

The tech sector was the favorite pick of the millionaires for 2014 despite (or maybe because of) its recent slump. With 18%, tech was comfortably ahead of the next three sectors, financials (13%), energy (12%), and healthcare (11%).

And CNBC said that the wealthier millionaires - people with $5 million or more - were even more prone to invest in tech.

The millionaires' love for the tech sector makes total sense to Money Morning Tech & Defense Specialist Michael A. Robinson.

"The road to wealth is paved by tech," Robinson said. "From the light bulb to the semiconductor to advanced sensors, America's Silicon Valley has churned out a steady stream of innovations that turned ordinary people into millionaires - sometimes virtually overnight."

But Robinson, a long-time veteran of Silicon Valley, says that just investing in tech isn't enough - you need to target your investments to the areas of tech poised to experience the most growth.

Robinson has identified several tech trends in particular that will be centers of profit in the years to come, such as the mobile wave, Big Data, cloud computing, biotech, and the Internet of Things.

In fact, Robinson is currently very excited about one particular tech company that has hitched its star to Tesla Motors - and stands to reap enormous benefits. To find out more, click here.

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