As long as Japan's government insists on money printing to try to stimulate its long-moribund economy, opportunities will abound.
The only question is how to find the best investments. Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald, who lives part of the year in Japan, shared several ideas with Stuart Varney on a Monday appearance on FOX Business' "Varney & Co."
One of the best investments, he said, is Toyota Motor Corp. (NYSE ADR: TM).
"They are sort of the Japanese royalty of the export-based economy they've set up," Fitz-Gerald said. "They've got distributed manufacturing, they've got currency going in. They've got very popular, in-demand products all over the world."
In his discussion of the severe economic problems Japan faces right now, Fitz-Gerald suggested several ways for American investors to profit.
To find out what Fitz-Gerald considers the best investments, watch the video below.
Learn How to Protect Your Investments: Most investors have heard of trailing stops, but you can take it a step further. "Ultimate Trailing Stops" can play a big part in helping investors preserve their profits. Here Keith Fitz-Gerald explains what they are and how to use them...
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