How to Beat the Market with Six "Unstoppable" Trends

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beat the marketThis money-making tip comes from our Chief Investment Strategist, Keith Fitz-Gerald:

Part of knowing how to beat the market means knowing where the money will flow. That's why I've found six "Unstoppable Trends" backed by trillions of dollars. Investing in companies that tap into these trends will pay off huge.

More billionaires have been created around these six trends than any other trend not on the list in recorded history.

Here's what you need to know about each of these trends today - starting with the biggest opportunity on the planet right now.

Energy: Analysts almost universally hate the energy sector. To their way of thinking, a whole host of international events are conspiring to further drag down a sector that's already down and out.

But it's showing every sign of approaching the point of "maximum pessimism" - and that should quicken your pulse as an investor.

Demand for oil is accelerating, and multiple data points suggest oil prices are set to rebound even as supply steadily increases.

Demographics: For the first time in history, the number of people aged 65 and older will outnumber children younger than five worldwide by 2020, according to a report by the National Institute of Health & Aging.

In Japan, the future is already here. Its aging population has already had huge economic consequences ranging from diminished productivity to soaring healthcare costs.

This will mean surging profits for medical companies like Becton, Dickinson & Co. (NYSE: BDX).

It will also contribute to a complete global currency realignment, perhaps even breaking several major currencies, including the yen.

Medicine: Healthcare spending in the United States jumped 3.6% in 2014, far outpacing GDP growth for the same period. Total global health spending is expected to rise by an average annual rate of 4% or even 6% by 2017.

The resulting movement in capital will place huge amounts of stress on governments, social security systems, and insurers and developing markets.

I expect trillions of dollars to get transferred worldwide, with several trillion right here in the United States.

This will accelerate as new politically driven "mandates" create guaranteed market shares for favored companies and organizations.

War, Terrorism, and Ugliness: The U.S. Department of Defense has requested a budget for fiscal year 2016 that steps up spending by 7.7% to a whopping $585 billion.

The defense sector will benefit enormously from increased government spending and guaranteed contracts as governments gear up to defend against new and emerging threats. As the struggle against ISIS continues and efforts to prevent a nuclear Iran heat up, defense companies like Raytheon Co. (NYSE: RTN) will flourish.

Scarcity/Allocation: This trend is powered not just by the lack of precious commodities, but also by the allocation of resources including money itself. Consequently, it's a perfect way to play central bank meddling.

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It's also front and center when it comes to global resources being more strained than ever before.

People don't think this way, but money is a resource, too. That's why exchange-traded funds like the ProShares UltraShort Yen (NYSE Arca: YCS) have such potential.

Technology: Most investors don't understand how to play this trend because they're missing the distinction between obviation and extinction.

For example, I love that Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) is making automakers nervous with its plan for a driverless car, because it's the kind of creative destruction that can redefine an industry.

Meanwhile, GoPro Inc. (Nasdaq: GPRO) is on the wrong side of this trend. New Chinese alternatives are causing investors to rethink the possible and the obvious. GPRO stock has dropped to levels it hasn't seen since soon after its IPO and will drop further.

Keep every one of these trends at the top of your mind so you can tap into the potential created by trillions of dollars on the move.

For more info on these trends and the massive wealth they will create, go here: These Unstoppable Trends Are Creating Ever-Stronger Profit Opportunities
