Keith Fitz-Gerald: "Federal Reserve Policy Is Past Its Prime, Ignores Middle Class"


Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald talked U.S. Federal Reserve policy with "Varney & Co." host Stuart Varney on FOX Business Monday morning.

Fed policy is the hot topic this week. You see, investors are anxious to see what comes out of the two-day FOMC meeting on Sept. 16-17. They want to know whether the Fed will raise interest rates and how the Fed meeting will affect market stability.

Watch the video to see what Keith Fitz-Gerald, a 33-year global market expert, predicts will happen - and why he's so fed up with Federal Reserve policy:

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Should We Abolish the Fed? Millions of Americans assume the Fed acts in the nation's best interest and that our nation has always had a Fed. But the central bank's original, century-old purpose no longer applies to modern-day markets. Far worse than that, the Fed's actions have actually damaged the U.S. economy...

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