Hillary Clinton Keystone Pipeline Dogma Finally Revealed This Week

Hillary Clinton speaks during the Step It Up For Gender Equality event in New York on March 10, 2015.

A Hillary Clinton Keystone pipeline speech drew cheers from a crowd in Des Moines, Iowa on Sept. 22...

The Democratic frontrunner said she owed it to voters to finally make her position on the controversial infrastructure issue known, reported NBC News later that day. Clinton explained that she'd been waiting for the U.S. State Department to decide whether or not to go ahead with the Keystone XL pipeline - a proposed 1,179-mile crude oil pipeline intended to run between Alberta, Canada and Steele City, Nebraska. The project has been under federal consideration since Sept. 19, 2008.

But apparently the State Department's decision was taking too long for Mrs. Clinton's purposes...

The former first lady and secretary of state has been under intense pressure from both the public and the media to reveal her stance on Keystone. Last week, while speaking at a Boys and Girls Club in Concord, N.H., she promised to reveal her viewpoint "soon."

And indeed, she fulfilled that promise on Tuesday...

Hillary Clinton Keystone Pipeline Revelation Draws Cheers - and Jeers

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Once the secret was out, Hillary Clinton's Des Moines devotees weren't the only ones cheering her point of view.

Fellow candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) praised his competitor for the 2016 Democratic party nomination.

"As a senator who has vigorously opposed the Keystone pipeline from the beginning, I am glad that Secretary Clinton finally has made a decision and I welcome her opposition to the pipeline," Sanders said according to NBC News. "Clearly it would be absurd to encourage the extraction and transportation of some of the dirtiest fossil fuel on the planet."

But not everyone was cheering Clinton's announcement; there were jeers as well. GOP presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) did not share Sanders' warm sentiment.

"In opposing the Keystone oil pipeline," he said, according to a Sept. 22 FOX News article, "Hillary Clinton once again shows that she intends to continue the failed policies and poor decisions of the Obama Administration."

Stay tuned to Money Morning for more on the 2016 presidential election. You can follow us on Twitter @moneymorning or like us on Facebook.

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