How Much Money Does Donald Trump Have?

Donald Trump speaks at Americans for Prosperity's Freedom Summit in Manchester, N.H., on April 12, 2014.

How much money does Donald Trump have?

Well, the interrogative phrase "how much is Donald Trump worth?" was the third most popular Trump-related query typed into Google on Aug. 1, input nearly 24 million times.

Trump's net worth is 167 times that amount.

According to a Forbes on June 16, the highly successful entrepreneur and 2016 GOP presidential hopeful is worth $4.1 billion.

Mind you, Trump disagrees with Forbes' number. His campaign claims Trump's total worth is in excess of $10 billion, reported The Washington Post on Oct. 1. And Trump himself said as much the day he announced his campaign on June 16: "My massive net worth is in excess of ten billion dollars."

In addition to Trump's claim, and to the Forbes amount, there are two more different numbers floating around that claim to answer, "How much money does Donald Trump have?"

Bloomberg has Trump's wealth at a comparatively paltry $2.9 billion.

And according to Business Insider on June 16, Donald Trump stated his net worth was around $8.7 billion (this was a few weeks prior to him saying he was worth more than $10 billion when he announced his presidential bid).

So there you have it. No one seems to know for sure how much Trump is actually worth, but we think it's safe to say his bank account is incredibly "yooge."

Stay tuned to Money Morning for more on the 2016 presidential election. You can follow us on Twitter @moneymorning or like us on Facebook.

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