2016 Election: Carson Wants to Surgically Remove Medicare, Plus These Top Stories

2016 election

We get bombarded with torrential news coverage of the 2016 election every day now...

A Google search of that very term, "2016 election," yielded more than 33 million news results today. That compares to 147,000 results exactly six months ago on April 28.

That's why we at Money Morning have gathered the latest, most relevant election information to keep you updated on what's going on in the world of politics as it happens.

Here's everything you need to know today...

Biggest 2016 Election News Right Now

  • A question from a wounded veteran on Tuesday night provoked Donald Trump to walk off stage to speak with the man face-to-face. Trump promised the vet that he would do anything and everything in his power to put pressure on the Department of Veteran's Affairs to get him and others like him the care he needs.
  • A CBS/New York Times poll released Tuesday has Dr. Ben Carson leading nationally at 26% (ahead of former GOP front-runner Trump by 4%). Overall, Carson has steadily climbed in polls - from 6% in early August to 22% this week, according to an averaging of polls by RealClearPolitics.com.
  • Speaking of Carson, the "magical hands" doctor told "FOX News Sunday" this past weekend that he would like to gut Medicare. Specifically, he would eliminate the program, as well as Medicaid, and replace it with a system of cradle-to-grave savings accounts which would be funded with $2,000 a year in government contributions.
    2016 election
  • Following an interview between Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio and The Wall Street Journal, the editorial board at the Florida Sun-Sentinel suggested that the young presidential hopeful should just up and quit his job. Rubio had expressed frustration with Congress in the interview - he admitted he's running for president basically to get out of the Senate. The interview also quoted one of Rubio's close friends as saying the senator absolutely hates his job.
  • In an interview with Bloomberg Politics' John Heilemann, Vermont Sen. and Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders' campaign manager Jeff Weaver admitted that Sanders is absolutely willing to take current Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton on as his VP.
    2016 election
  • A group of influential Republican Latino activists blasted Republican presidential hopeful and real estate mogul Donald Trump's rhetoric on immigration reform. Trump's immigration strategy, revealed to CBS journalist Scott Pelley on Sept. 29, calls for the mass deportation of millions of Mexicans back to Mexico. Latino GOPers warned fellow Republicans against embracing his rhetoric and policies and suggested they would withhold their support in a general election.
  • Non-candidate groups such as super PACs and politically active nonprofits have run more than 8,400 presidential race-focused ads from Oct. 1 through Oct. 26, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis of data provided by advertising tracking firm Kantar Media/CMAG.
    2016 election

GOP Debate Preview: The next showdown between the 2016 Republican presidential candidates will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 28. The format of this third debate was actually changed after several candidates complained the last few weeks. Now it is structured as a two-hour debate, including commercials and enough time for each candidate to really dig at his or her opponents...
