GOP presidential hopeful and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul took to Twitter on Wednesday to respond to the White House's recent suggestion that Republican front-runner Donald Trump be disqualified from running.
That "Donald Trump disqualification" proposal came Tuesday afternoon from White House press secretary Josh Earnest. "What Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president," claimed Earnest in reference to the real estate mogul's Monday proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the United States.
Earnest continued: "And any Republican who's too fearful of the Republican base to admit it has no business serving as president either."
Whether Paul was more offended by the press secretary's suggestion that members of the GOP are "fearful" of their own party or by his call to deem Donald Trump ineligible to run isn't entirely known. What is known is this: Paul saw a spectacular opportunity to point out some of the White House's own faults.
So he took it.
"Yesterday the Obama White House had the nerve to say someone else was unqualified for office," Paul said in the first of what would be several tweets pointing out issues that should "disqualify" President Barack Obama from his job. In another tweet the senator wrote, "Today I would like to put a mirror in front of the Obama White House and show them the top ten things that make HIM unqualified."
Here's a look at those 10 tweets that Sen. Paul fired off.
Let us know what you think of the Donald Trump "disqualification" debacle! Find us on Twitter @moneymorning and on Facebook.
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