Dow Jones Industrial Average Today Surges Despite Two Big Brexit Concerns

The Dow Jones Industrial Average today rose 235 points as investors continue to push the markets higher after the Brexit vote.


Is Sears Doomed for Bankruptcy in the Second Half of 2016? (SHLD)

Sears Holdings Corp. (Nasdaq: SHLD) has a long and rich history, and its founders revolutionized the retail catalog.

But the only value...

Amazon Stock Price Can Climb Further After This Retailer's Bankruptcy

The Amazon stock price continues to climb even though the stock market as a whole is lagging behind.

In the last 12 months, AMZN is...

How Super PACs Flout U.S. Election Laws

The fundraising machines known as super PACs have few rules to follow, but they flout even those.

From illegal donations from federal...

The Top 3 Dividend Stocks to Buy in 2016 - June 2016

In today's economy, traditional financial instruments like savings accounts, money market funds, or U.S Treasury bonds aren't cutting it for...

Our Newest Silver Price Prediction Shows More Gains in 2016

Silver hit a 21-month high of $18.55 today (Thursday, June 30).

And our new silver price prediction shows the white metal moving much...

Who's Not Going to the Republican Convention? [LIST]

Who's not going to the Republican convention?


What Big Banks Won't Tell You About Their Oil Price "Forecasts"

Following last week's Brexit outcome, the big banks are now bullish on oil prices - a reversal of their position just a few weeks...

European Union Collapse Imminent If These 2 Ticking Time Bombs Explode

With the Brexit vote passing, many are starting to wonder about a European Union collapse.

Already, other member states are talking about...

Watch This Key "Oil Spread" for Brexit's Real Oil Impact

Crude oil has overcome its initial overreaction to the Brexit...

Is This Chipotle Stock Price Rally a Time to Buy?

The Chipotle stock price has rallied nearly 5% this week, leaving some investors asking if it's time to buy shares of the beleaguered restaurant...

How to Tell When a Stock Up 1,000% Could Still Quadruple Your Money

If a stock can meet these three criteria, then chances are it could quadruple your money - even if it's already had a 1,000% run...

Dow Jones Industrial Average Today Shows Small Decline as Brexit Rally Cools

The Dow Jones Industrial Average today is slightly down after rallying from the Brexit.

Stocks surged the past several days, but there...

Marijuana Stocks Will Rise Thanks to This Other $187 Billion Market

Marijuana stocks are about to be taken very seriously by investors.

That's because the marijuana industry is on track to see sales of $6.7...

Why the Brexit Vote Isn't Doomsday for the UK

The Brexit vote stunned markets around the world and sparked countless predictions of economic doom for the UK. Don't believe it.


The Single Best High-Yield Play Is Paying More Than 5% Right Now

There are lies, there are damned lies, and then there are corporate credit bulls. Should a corporate credit bull assure you that the sun...

Dow Jones Industrial Average Today Surges as Brexit Worries Fade

The Dow Jones Industrial Average today rose 284 points as investors gained back nearly half of the $3 trillion lost in the Brexit sell-off.


The 5 Best Stocks to Buy Today for Decades of Solid Returns

With all of the recent market volatility, investors are looking for the most stable stocks possible.

That's why we're showing you a...

3 Reasons a July 2016 Stock Market Crash Could Be Headed Straight for Us

Investors are getting too comfortable and ignoring the signs of a July stock market crash.

The global markets are experiencing a...

China: "Brexit Will Cast a Shadow Over the Global Economy"

China isn't pleased with...

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