To follow Tom's AAPL play - and potentially see a 350% gain - here are your instructions.
Action to Take: Open a loophole trade (spread trade) on Apple Inc. (AAPL)
Exit Strategy: Close 50% of your position for up to 350% gains by following the steps below.
*Note: The screen Tom showed in today's Fast Profits video showed March 9 calls. The trade he's suggesting for you to make are the March 16 calls shown above.
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Tom's Money Calendar Pro subscribers get the chance to make trades like this every week. Tom's trade recommendations come from his proven pattern-finding system and analysis that can deliver total winning moves like the 233.4% he made on Apple last year. In fact, Tom's patterns uncovered 70 doubles for his subscribers in 2017. You can find out how to see all of Tom's trades - just click here to get started.
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