While Everyone Was Focused on the Rate Hike, the Fed Made This Critical Call

He called it

He called it.

On April 23, Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald stated on live TV that the futures markets were pricing in four Fed rate hikes in 2018.

At the time, most FOMC members were projecting only three, and 40% of them had recently called for even fewer than that.

But sure enough, yesterday a majority of FOMC members called for a federal funds rate between 2.25% and 2.5% by the end of the year, which will require two more rate hikes this year on top of the two we've had already.

You can see his prediction firsthand in the video below, as well as the one way that these rate hikes could hurt your investments.

And below the video, you'll have the opportunity to see how Keith shows his readers amazing profit opportunities week after week -- no matter what the Fed does.

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If you've been heeding Keith's recommendations, you'd never know the markets have been going haywire - because his virtually bulletproof "Velocity" strategy has closed out 142 double- and triple-digit winners over the past 12 months (including partial closeouts).

All of those winners could have turned a small stake into over $700,000.

Those wins are already in the bank, but you can still have the chance to get in on Keith's next winners by clicking here right now.

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