The Dow Jones now could slip as the United States hit 2.63 million coronavirus cases.
Wall Street had its best quarter in decades after a sharp rebound from the COVID-19 market crash in March. Investors must now face a slate of potential threats in a resurgence of coronavirus cases, ongoing geopolitical worries out of China, and the upcoming election. More on these developments below.
Before we get into this story and more, here are the numbers from Tuesday for the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq:
Now here's a closer look at today's most important market events and stocks. We'll also discuss the stories that slipped under the radar of the mainstream financial press on Wednesday.
COVID-19 lockdowns inspired a lifestyle change that's kicking a new billion-dollar market into high gear - and this stock is the best way to play it. Get the pick here - it's free...
Uber, Airbnb, Slack, Pinterest, and Venmo have something big in common - something other than their big names.
These startups were founded during the last recession.
And now, some of the most iconic companies of our time could launch into Fortune 500s during days like today.
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