The Dow Jones now could take a positive turn despite a slump in tech stocks. There has been a three-day drop of 18% for Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA). Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) has also been in a free fall in recent days.
Read on to see what's moving the Dow as we move to close the week...
First, here are the numbers from Thursday for the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq:
Now here are what I think will be the most important market events and stocks on Friday morning.
A Money Morning PSA: If you own these stocks, drop them immediately. Learn more...
Money Morning's brand-new chief investment strategist is going live in his first-ever segment of BUY THIS, NOT THAT.
In 30 minutes or less, Shah Gilani is going to run through all 50+ stocks you should know about - for better or for worse.
Shah is not holding back; prices, tickers, and company names will be coming your way fast.
Be ready to take notes! Watch now...
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