Cryptocurrency investors function using a completely different set of rules than Wall Street does.
There's no opening bell to tell us when we can and can't trade. We don't take holidays. We don't settle for meager gains.
And we don't scare easily.
Unfortunately, because there's some overlap between traditional investors and crypto investors, the crypto market is still vulnerable to a lot of the same emotion-driven moves that create volatility. The ongoing confrontation between the West and Russia over Ukraine is reverberating through all sectors of the financial world right now, and we're seeing a lot of panic selling. Whether it's equity or crypto, everything is taking a hit across the board.
But this is more of an opportunity than a problem - a chance to look for deals to pick up quality assets at a discount.
Sure, the price of Cardano (ADA) is down 24% from its February highs. But we know the long-term potential of Cardano's proof-of-stake model and the real-world applications that come with it could send ADA to $15 by the end of the year. So we buy.
Let me show you four more of my favorite deals in crypto today so you can add them to your moneymaking watch list...
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In case you missed it, the top cryptos I'm watching this week other than Cardano are:
All of these coins are part of what I call "the other crypto market" - basically, everything that isn't Bitcoin or Ethereum. Some of the gains we've seen in this space are way beyond anything we've seen before.
Two of our favorites are small coins, "locked and loaded" right now, based on a technology that makes BTC look like a horse and buggy. We think these small "microcurrencies," that cost a fraction of the price of other major cryptos, have what it takes to conceivably wipe the floor with Bitcoin 10 times over in the next year or so. You can get the details here...
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