I’m Already 130% Up on This Energy Trade – Grab It Before It Skyrockets

Here in the United States, when we hear the term "breadbasket," we usually think of the Midwest. Ohio, Kansas, Illinois...

When Europeans hear the phrase, they think of Ukraine - and for good reason. The country distributes 12% of global wheat exports, 16% of corn, and 18% of barley. Ukrainian agriculture is a pillar of grain production for the European continent.

And now it's under siege.

With Russia tightening the screws on commodities of all kinds, we're about to see prices soar even higher than they already have.

That opens a buying opportunity for us if we get in now.

I think the best place for investors to look is the "granddaddy" of all commodities: oil. If Russia continues its attack on Ukraine and cuts off some of its oil exports and pipelines, we're going to see prices of energy rise around the world.

In fact, we're already seeing some spikes - West Texas Intermediate (WTI), the New York futures-based product that Americans mainly trade, was more than $95 a barrel earlier this week. Brent Crude, the international benchmark of oil, was north of $110 as markets opened Thursday.

And this ride has a long way to go yet, according to analyst predictions. The pick I have for you today is the easiest way for anyone to take quick profits from the commodities supercycle we're in.

Read on for the ticker...

This Oil ETF Is a No-Brainer Buy

The asset you're looking for is the United States Oil Fund (NYSEArca: USO). It's an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests in oil futures, specifically WTI futures. Its market value is directly proportional to the fate of oil prices - when they go down, the fund goes down. When it goes up, like it's doing now, USO rides along with it.

I've had this for some time now, going on a year and a half. My average entry price was $32.52. With USO around $75 as of Thursday, I'm up about 130%. But I'm not selling yet. I think USO can go to $90 easy.

From here, that's a 20% move. But the thing is, this window isn't closing soon.

Goldman Sachs is calling for WTI to get to $125 a barrel - and I'm in agreement. In fact, I'm way outside the envelope on every other analyst I know, because I'm predicting $150 a barrel by the end of the summer.

That's why I'm holding onto it, but may take some profits off the table as soon as the ETF hits $90. But this is a trade you can play on any short to medium time frame - get in now for that 20% bump and get out? Profit. Stay in and wait until we hit $125 or more a barrel and the fund goes over $100? Profit.

The opportunities don't end with oil, either. Because what happens with oil is tied into so much of the overall economy, and with the Russia-Ukraine conflict guaranteed to keep pushing things, we've got a chance to make a move in three sectors - energy, metals, and mining - that are massively benefiting from this price hike.

This strategy is already creating some mind-blowing returns - 54% in eight days... 63% in 17 days... 187% in a week. And there's still time to get in.

Go here for all the details.

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