I Learned How to Handle the Fed in a Chicago Bar

Postcards from the florida republic An independent and profitable state of mind.     In 2009, my friend and I sat down at Cactus, a...

Chart of the Day: The Truth Behind the Hiring Surge

On Wednesday morning, the markets were stunned… But it had nothing to do with the Fitch downgrade of U.S. debt. It had to do with jobs. For the...

Fitch Ratings Just Did Every American a Solid Favor

Postcards from the florida republic An independent and profitable state of mind.     It’s an amazing day to be on social media. Everyone...

The Two Vital Earnings Investors Must Watch

Earnings are in full swing.

And there's plenty of mega-cap left on deck.

Here’s Why BlackRock (or State Street or Vanguard) Will Be Your Kids’ Landlord

Postcards from the florida republic An independent and profitable state of mind.     If you need further proof that our entire system is...

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