America's #1 Trader Can Become $1,050 Richer in 15 Seconds

Mike Ward:

Hi, I'm Mike Ward.
I'm the publisher of Money Morning.

I know this is going to be hard to believe...

But you're about to meet a man who can become richer - I'm talking thousands of dollars RICHER - literally in a matter of seconds.

To prove it, in a few moments, he's going to join me via satellite from his private office in Florida.

He's going to boot up his computer...

Log into his brokerage account...

Execute three simple steps...

And officially become $1,050 RICHER.

It will take him approximately 15 seconds.

And then he's going to immediately repeat this process.

Becoming $940 RICHER in 11 seconds...

And then again - becoming $1,260 RICHER in 8 seconds.

And then again - becoming $988 RICHER in 7 seconds.

That's $4,238 - real cash, real money - all deposited in his personal account... all in under a single minute.

And he'll do it using some of the biggest stocks on the market today.

Now wait until you hear this...

He won't buy a single share of ANY OF THEM - he won't even spend a nickel on these stocks, yet you'll watch, in real time, as he's paid $4,238 from them.

You're going to be stunned by his secret.

And what makes it so unique is that he learned how to do it...

At a hardware store of all places.

Shocking, I know...

I was even skeptical at first.

It seemed too good to be true.

But then I saw it with my own eyes.

This wasn't some kind of voodoo spell or Houdini magic trick. If it was...

He wouldn't have been able to find trades that could've paid out $999,195 over the last 24 months...

And if he was trying to pull a fast one, one of the largest investment firms on the planet wouldn't have ponied up $20 million just to access a glimpse of what he's created.

But the most impressive part of all of this is that anybody can use his simple secret.

You're about to see for yourself that this is easy.

So let's not waste another moment.

I'd like for you to meet Tom right now.

Tom, take it away.

Tom Gentile, America's #1 Trader

Thanks, Mike.

Hi folks, I'm Tom Gentile.

Right now, I'm going to show you something you've never seen before.

It's a secret that changed my life forever...

You see, I wasn't always rich.

I was born in a modest steel mining town outside of Pittsburgh.

I don't have a college degree and I will never get one.

Because I don't need one.

As Mike mentioned, what I'm about to show you - I actually stumbled upon it while I worked part-time at a hardware store.

Back then, I was making $8,000 a year...

Now I can use this secret to make $8,000 literally seconds after I execute some simple trades.

I'm really excited to be able to share this with you today...

First, I'm going to log into a brokerage account that I opened specifically for this presentation.

You can see here that I have $100,000 cash in it.

It's a lot of money, I know.

But you don't - I repeat - you - DO - NOT - need anywhere near this kind of money to implement my secret.

I've been fortunate in life - so I have a well-funded account for my trades.

What's important to focus on is that the cash in my account is about to get substantially bigger.

That's thanks to ecommerce giant Amazon.

Amazon is a ridiculously expensive stock.

Right now, it's trading for $1,492 a share.

When I was first getting started, I wouldn't touch a stock that pricey with a 10-foot pole.

Honestly, if I had wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to afford a single share.

And even today, I'm still not interested in buying Amazon at this price.

I'm interested in collecting a quick thousand bucks from it instead.

And - check this out - I'm not going to spend a penny to do it.

Let me set a timer in the bottom right-hand corner.

So you can see how fast I can execute this trade for near-instant cash.

Now look... I'm going to push the "Trade" button...

Notice - I'm not typing in Amazon's ticker symbol.

Instead, you'll see a special three-digit code.

Next - I'm making two mouse clicks - there's the first one - there's the second - that's it.

I'm $1,050 RICHER.

That's real cash, folks.

And let's check the timer - 15 seconds.

It took 15 seconds to become $1,050 richer from Amazon.

And I did it without purchasing a single share of stock so far.

This isn't a fluke either.

I'm going to do it again right now with Apple.

And folks - I forgot to mention this before - I want you to pay close attention to my cash balance.

What happens whenever you buy stock?

Your cash balance goes down because you've gotta pay for those shares.

But thanks to my secret, I don't have to buy any shares upfront.

So my cash balance is only going in one direction - up, up, up.

Okay, let's start the timer again.

I'm going to push the "Trade" button...

Again, I'm not typing in Apple's ticker symbol.

I'm using a three-digit code.

And then mouse-click one... mouse-click two.

I'm done.

I've just added $940 to my account.

That took 11 seconds.

I'm now nearly $1,990 RICHER than I was at the start.

And I still haven't bought a single share of stock.

But, I'm not finished yet...

Watch what I make off Facebook.

It's another ridiculously expensive stock - it's trading for $179 a share.

That's too rich for my blood - if somebody else wants to fork over that kind of money, they can be my guest.

Instead, I'm going to get paid thanks to Facebook.

And it won't cost me a red cent today.

Let's start the clock.

I'm going to click on the "Trade" button.

I've got a new three-digit code for Facebook.

And then mouse-click one... mouse-click two.


The trade has been executed.

I've just become $1,260 RICHER.

Now check the clock, it took 8 seconds.

And like with Amazon - like with Apple - I didn't need to buy a single share of Facebook stock to collect this cash.

Yet, I'm almost $3,250 RICHER than I was before.

Okay, let's do this one more time.

Next up, I'm going to get paid with Netflix.

There's the timer.

I'm going to push the "Trade" button.

There's the three-digit code.

Now mouse-click one - mouse-click two.

And done.

Let's stop the timer.

I've just become $988 richer.

This one took me about 7 seconds.

So folks, I just made four simple trades.

And I'm now $4,238 richer.

This is exciting.

This secret has made me rich.

It's why I'm able to make these aggressive moves.

And why I have the benefit of starting with a large account.

But I didn't have to spend any of that money to make this money.

And the key is this money is all mine.

I can pull it out of my account and do whatever I want with it.

Anyone can do this.

So let me show you what's going on here and how these trades play out.

First off, I call my secret...

Mike Ward:

Tom - Tom - Tom - before you continue... let me jump in.

Folks, I'm sorry for interrupting.

What you just saw was AMAZING...

In under a minute, Tom collected four separate paydays.

They came from enormous companies.

And he didn't buy a SINGLE share of stock - he didn't pay for any of them.

Yet altogether they made him $4,238 RICHER.

You're probably asking yourself... how is that even possible?

Tom was about to answer that question.

And I stopped him.

Because the answer is the end of the story.

But for you to truly understand how powerful his secret is, it's important we rewind Tom's story back a bit...

Now, Tom - I know you're a humble guy. You don't like to brag about yourself.

So I'm putting you on the spot right now.

Tom Gentile:

I know... I know.

Well, folks, I'm not going to bore you with my entire life story.

Basically, I caught a lucky break.

Back in the late '80s, I was living in Atlanta.

I barely had two dimes to rub together, so I took a job at this tiny hardware store.

You might have heard of it...

Home Depot.

I was at the fourth store they ever opened.

I wore the orange apron, the tool belt, the whole getup.

Back then, Home Depot was just a bunch of guys who wanted to sell some tools and lumber to folks looking to fix up their homes.

If you asked the managers how many hammers they thought they'd sell next week...

Or how many wheelbarrows they'd sell next month... they couldn't have told you if their lives depended on it.

Now, I was pretty good with computers, so one morning I go to my boss...

I said, "Give me a shot in your IT department."

"If you do, I'll help invent a program that'll tell you exactly how much you'll sell of any product on the shelves - at any point in the future."

"So when you need to know how many Remington chainsaws you'll sell next September"...

"Or Toro snow blowers you'll sell in January - you'll just push a button, and bam! The answer is on your screen - it'll be that easy."

I was pitching him the equivalent of a crystal ball.

As you can see - I was cocky and young.

So why he said yes - to this day - I have no idea.

But he gave me that break.

I spent the next year of my life doing nothing but inventing that program.

I handed it over to my boss.

Within two years, Home Depot opened 100 new stores.

I delivered on my promise.

Now get this - I wasn't paid a penny over my salary for it.

But I'm not angry about that at all - I'm grateful to Home Depot.

Because - and I know this will sound funny - but they're the reason I'm here today.

You see, like a lot of folks, after I was done paying the bills, I was investing the little money I had left in the stock market.

So one day I asked myself...

"Could I invent something similar for stocks? Ya know, something that could predict future demand - future buying patterns - for any stock?"

So I got to work answering that question.

I spent my nights and weekends taking apart every piece of electronics I could get my hands on.

I rigged an old beeper - the ones everybody used to wear on their hips - so it would "beep" me whenever the markets changed direction.

I'd get a "1" for a bullish signal or a "2" for a bearish one.

I also took a crummy laptop and hacked into it. I got this thing so powerful it was tapping into what was called the Ram Mobile wireless network.

It was receiving text messages with real-time data straight from the trading floor of the American Stock Exchange.

And remember, this is the early '90s - "texting" wasn't a thing yet.

Then I figured out how to tap into FM radio signals.

Now I could make real-time trades wherever I went...

And I began making a ton of money.

I was beating the best traders on Wall Street.

The Wall Street Journal actually caught wind of what I was doing.

So I've got these inventions and I thought to myself, "why don't I use them to start a financial tech company."

And that's what I did.

Not too long after - this big Wall Street heavyweight offers me $20 million to buy it.

So of course I said yes ...

And my company became a part of Charles Schwab.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I can't believe this isn't a dream.

But here's the thing - these little inventions each got me closer to my original goal - to be able to predict future buying patterns for any stock.

But it wasn't until years after I sold my company that I finally cracked the code.

And how I figured this out - again - it began with a simple question.

Is it possible that certain stocks - for whatever reason - always go up at the same time each year?

What I discovered is that some do.

So I invented something that found these stocks - marked that short window of time each year.

And then identified a very special kind of trade that allows me to become thousands of dollars richer from those stocks...

And without buying a single share.

Those four trades I shared earlier represent the culmination of my life's work.

They're possible because of my invention - I call it The Money Calendar.

I chose that name because I know so far in advance when I could make money, I can just circle the dates on a calendar and cash in.

Mike Ward:

Tom, what you've invented - this Money Calendar - it is so unique, the patent for it has been filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

So something this powerful has never been created before.

It's your brainchild.

Now folks, you've already seen it put a lot of cash in Tom's pocket today.

But it could help put a lot in yours too.

The Money Calendar has already pinpointed eight trades that are fast approaching.

Tom and I want to make sure you know about them.

In the coming weeks, they could make you $15,000 richer.

So we're going to talk about them in a few moments.

But first, Tom, let's dive deeper into the Money Calendar - explain how it works.

Tom Gentile:

You got it, Mike.

What I love most about the Money Calendar is that - while it was really hard to invent - it's super simple to understand.

So we have about 9,000 stocks that are listed at any given time.

The Money Calendar only cares about 250 of them - the big ones, the blue chippers... basically the most boring stocks.

Apple, Johnson & Johnson, Google, Altria, Caterpillar - these kinds of companies.

Big, boring stocks are predictable.

Predictable is good for the Money Calendar.

What it does is it searches through 10 years of historical data.

It's looking for a short window of time where a particular stock has gone up for at least 9 of the last 10 years.

Take Procter & Gamble - it fits the bill of a boring, blue-chip stock to a tee.

Here are 10 charts for Procter & Gamble - one for each of the last 10 years.

Now, check this out...

For whatever reason, Procter & Gamble's stock always tends to go up between August 21 and September 19.

It's happened for 9 of the last 10 years.

So what does that tell us?

It tells us there is a 90% chance Procter & Gamble's stock will go up during that same time frame in any given year.

Alright, now that you're aware of this very valuable piece of information, it would make perfect sense to just buy some shares right before August 21 and sell them on September 19.

Last summer that would've made you 1.6%.

So if you invested $10,000, you would've been paid about $160 for your efforts.

That's not bad.

However, armed with this same information - where I know with 90% certainty exactly when Procter & Gamble will start going up in the future...

I could've pinpointed a very special trade...

One where I didn't need to buy a single share of Procter & Gamble's stock...

And I could've pocketed $605 in 14 seconds.

In other words, if you did it the old-fashioned way, you'd be looking at buying $10,000 worth of stock for a $160 payday.

And it'll take you about three weeks to collect it.

Or you do it my way.

You don't spend a penny upfront - you get to collect $605 and it only takes you 14 seconds.

We'll talk about what makes this kind of trade so special in a little bit.

First though, let me show you how this story played out the exact same way with UPS.

Again, I've put 10 years' worth of stock charts up on the screen.

And what do you know...

The Money Calendar tells me that UPS' stock tends to spike between August 28 and September 20.

It's happened for 9 of the last 10 years.

With the last go 'round, if you had simply bought and sold shares during this range, you would've made 3.6%.

So $10,000 worth of UPS' stock would've made you $360.

But remember, that's the old-fashioned way...

With my way, you could've harnessed a very special trade that would've made you $1,190 richer.

Again, without buying a single share of stock.

And without spending a penny.

And this trade would've instantly paid you this cash in a matter of seconds.

Now, let's look at Amgen.

The Money Calendar tells me this stock really likes going up between September 7 and September 18.

It's done so for 9 of the last 10 years.

Last September, the stock spiked about 3.3%.

Does making $330 sound great?


Does it sound as great though when I tell you - you had to bet $10,000 to get it?

Of course not.

I'd rather get more bang for my buck.

Actually, I'd rather not spend a buck at all.

And you probably know what I'm going to say now.

I could've made a very special trade - and with a few mouse clicks and about nine seconds of my life - become $1,313 richer.

It doesn't get any better than this.

Mike Ward:

Tom - with your incredible invention - the Money Calendar - how far in advance can you predict these potential payout dates?

Tom Gentile:

Actually, I call them Payday Appointments - and the Money Calendar is pre-loaded with them for the next year.

They're all marked and ready to go.

Here's what it looks like on my screen - no surprise - it's a calendar.

I have this for every month.

It looks simple on the surface, but underneath there are all these algorithms running - searching for these specific windows of time.

Some days are marked green. That means we're looking at a lot of bullish opportunities.

Some days are marked red. That means we have some bearish stocks out there.

The orange and yellow days - a little bit of both.

Click on any day and you'll see a screen that looks like this...

On the left we have a list of stocks.

Next to each there is a green or red bar.

Green means that stock historically tends to go up.

Red tells me that it tends to go down.

Now, you'll notice these bars have different lengths.

That's how long the window of time generally lasts - days, weeks, whatever.

So put it all together. I have this calendar with the days already color-coded. Plus, for any day, I have a list of potential stocks to target. I know whether they tend to go up or down - and for how long.

Start to finish, I can predict the future of that stock.

Does this take all the risk out of investing?

Of course not.

There is no such thing as absolute certainty when it comes to the stock market.

However, look here...

You'll notice another column on your screen - it's labeled Certainty Score.

And you're seeing a lot of scores that are 90 percent or better.

That's how confident the Money Calendar is in that outcome - based on 10 years of pricing history.

I can click on any stock here to see this data up close.

This is all very simple - it's mouse clicks.

I like to keep things as simple as possible.

Now, what I haven't shown you is the Money Calendar's real secret.

This is where the magic happens.

It takes all of this data and pinpoints a special trade for these opportunities.

A trade that allows me to collect instant cash because I'm able to predict - with at least 90% certainty - that stock's future.

Add that to the mix and it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

Mike Ward:

In a few moments, I want to talk about these special trades - because you have a bunch of them already lined up - they could make each person watching this now $15,000 richer.

Before we get to that though...

Obviously the Money Calendar works in bull markets.

Some folks may be wondering though - what happens when stocks aren't moving at all, or even worse - when we're caught in a bear market.

Can the Money Calendar still make you richer then?

Tom Gentile:

I invented the Money Calendar to run at full speed on all cylinders at all times.

I'll prove it right now.

Everyone remembers 2008.

The markets hadn't been this scary since the Great Depression.

But not every company fell victim to the chaos.

Look at International Paper...

Here are 10 stock charts for the last 10 years.

The Money Calendar shows me that International Paper went up between July 11 and July 25 every single year...

Even in 2008.

If you had this information in your hands - and the guts to invest $10,000 in this stock, you could've made 5% - so $500 in a little over a month.

Back in 2008, most people wouldn't have complained at all.

However, and I'm going to sound like a broken record pretty soon, I could've shown you a way to pocket $822 in seconds.

You would've made a few mouse clicks - you wouldn't have bought a single share of stock - you would've spent nothing - and that $822 would've been yours.

Look at Target.

This stock has gone up between July 10 and July 19 every year for the past decade.

But let's just talk about the recession.

In 2008, you wouldn't have lost money if you had bought Target's stock.

But you wouldn't have made much either.

$10,000 would've paid you $195.

It's still better than losing your shirt, but you aren't going to be telling stories about that one.

On the other hand, if you executed the special type of trade the Money Calendar can find, you'd probably still be bragging to your buddies.

Get this - it could've paid you $1,315 in seconds...

And you would've bought ZERO shares - and spent a big fat ZERO to collect that cash.

John Deere was another recession payday ripe for the picking.

Here are the 10 charts.

Check out the period between October 27 and December 7.

John Deere's stock has gone up for 10 years straight.

In 2008, it rose 6%.

So, in two weeks a $10,000 stock investment could've handed you $600 in profits.

Back then that would've been a pretty exciting return.

But my way was even more exciting.

Instead of having to bet $10,000 that John Deere's stock would go up - just to make $600.

I could've fired up the Money Calendar... it would've handed me this information on a silver platter.

Then I could've targeted a very different kind trade.

Instead of spending $10,000 to get into it - I would've spent nothing.

Instead of waiting two weeks to get paid... I would've been paid $1,481 instantly - literally in seconds.

Now, here's a little secret I love telling people.

If you can make money from stocks that always go up during the same time period year after year...

You can also make money from the stocks that always go down...

Look at Teva Pharmaceuticals.

For whatever reason, this stock has a habit of falling between August 2 and August 25.

It's happened for 9 of the last 10 years.

I don't have to tell anybody that we were smack dab in the middle of a big bull market for most of that time.

But still, last August, Teva fell 48%.

Bad news for the shareholders...

Good news for me!

I could've collected an instant $1,164 payday from Teva.

Apache - same story.

Between August 2 and September 1, this stock has a knack for falling.

It's been the case for 9 of the last 10 years.

I could've pocketed $1,178 in seconds from this near inevitability.

Now, let's check out Chipotle.

I'm 90% certain this stock will fall between August 8 and August 24 in any given year.

This time it dropped over 9.8%.

If you blindly bought shares hoping Chipotle would've ridden on the back of Wall Street's bull run - you'd have lost $980.

But thanks to the Money Calendar - you could've had the opportunity to execute a simple trade...

You wouldn't have come within a country mile of buying a single share of stock...

And you would've collected $2,830 in seconds...

All from knowing Chipotle was primed to plunge.

The point I want to stress here, Mike...

Is that it's just as easy for the Money Calendar to find companies that go up during a specific window every year...

As it is to find those that go down.

In the end, it doesn't matter to me.

Because both outcomes can make me richer.

Mike Ward:

Tom, it's time we delve into this special trade the Money Calendar targets.

Tell the folks what you are up to.

Tom Gentile:

I've been a trader for a long time now.

And I became successful by following a very famous rule.

Keep it simple.

I use the Money Calendar to pinpoint an extremely simple options trade.

I'm always traveling around the country and talking to folks.

When I ask them, "Have you ever traded options before?"

I hear it over and over again... "No that's too complicated - that's not for me."

This blows my mind.

So right here, right now - I want to end all this mystery around options.

Because trading them is too easy and too lucrative to pass up.

Guys when you buy a stock - Microsoft, Proctor & Gamble, Chevron, whatever - what it all boils down to is you're making a bet.

You're betting that stock is going to be worth more in the future than it is today.

And it might cost you $5,000 or $10,000 to buy a decent block of shares just to get into that bet.

Options are like side bets.

Imagine them like this...

You and your buddy are checking out a stock - say it's trading for $20 a share...

Your buddy goes, "Hey, this stock is an absolute dog. I'll bet you a month from now, it's trading for 15 bucks."

And you're thinking - "This guy is crazy - no way this stock falls - that far, that fast."

So you go, "Hey if you want to make that bet... I'll take your money."

And that's what happens.

I call this a side bet because neither you nor your buddy has to buy any stock at that moment.

Instead you two will enter into an options contract.

And you get to collect your buddy's money - instantly.

He'll pay you $500, $800, or $1,250 - whatever it takes to get into that bet right then and there. And you'll pay nothing.

You're holding the money.

But there's something you didn't tell your buddy.

You have an ace up your sleeve.

You have access to the Money Calendar...

So when you make your side bet, you already know that this stock has gone up during this one-month period for each of the last 10 years.

You've tipped the scales ridiculously in your favor.

And your buddy has no idea what's going on.


You'd lose a lot of friends in real life if you kept making side bets like that.


Well, yes, but the good news is, in real life - you don't have to take your buddy's money...

There are millions of investors out there - dying to make crazy bets.

Tough luck for them.

The way I see it - if I don't cash in from their craziness - somebody else will.

So I'm going to take their money.

Everybody watching this should be doing this.

Selling options isn't hard.

It's extremely easy.

And the Money Calendar makes it even easier.

It provides step-by-step instructions.

You open your trading account...

The Money Calendar pinpoints the company to target.

You just type that in.

You choose what type of options contract you want to sell.

In other words, are you betting the stock will go up or down.

Again, the Money Calendar tells you the direction to choose with at least 90% certainty.

There's no wondering or guessing.

You pick the price and date range - it's point and click - and the trade is live.

You're in the game... and you get paid that instant.

That $500, or $1,500 - whatever someone paid you to get into the trade - it's yours.

It's yours to keep if you win the side bet.

You can even keep this money if you lose the side bet.


You're going to have to talk about that a little bit more.

How can you win - when you lose the side bet.


If someone tells you an investment is 100% risk-free - they're probably also going to try to sell you a piece of the Brooklyn Bridge.

When you sell options - that trade can go against you.

But if it does - what I like is I've got two choices.

I can end the trade at any point in time - cash out and use the money I've collected to help cover the side bet.

Or I can ride it out until the end - keep the money I collected up front - and use it to buy the shares in the company I bet on.

It's great, you see, before the trade goes live, I'm only required to have a small percentage of the money I need to buy these shares.

But remember, these are some of the most valuable stocks on the planet. And I'm getting them at a discount because I was paid that money at the beginning.

Honestly though, I don't spend a lot of my time worrying about those two choices.

Because I always have that ace up my sleeve, the Money Calendar.

It tells me... "Hey, I've got 10 years' worth of data that says this stock will go up or down between this date and this date. "

To me, that's like betting on whether the sun is going to rise tomorrow.

Let's look at Amazon again.

Here are 10 years' worth of charts.

This time I've highlighted the period between August 11 and September 20.

The Money Calendar tells you Amazon's stock has gone up during this brief window for 10 years straight.

It's gone 10-for-10...

So knowing this, would you have been willing to make a small bet that this trend would've continued last summer?

I can't speak for you, but with those odds so heavily in my favor, I'm making that bet every day of the week...

And if the market was open, twice on Sundays.

And what happened?

Amazon's stock went up about 1.1%.

So if you went the conventional route and bought shares of the stock, a $10,000 bet would've only made you $110.

But you don't have to settle for the conventional...

You could've made that side bet - a simple options trade.

And it could've instantly made you $1,888 richer.

So go conventional and your $10,000 bet on the stock pays you $110.

Or go unconventional and your side bet - the options trade - costs you nothing...

And pays you $1,888 in seconds...

The choice is clear as day.

Now, let's have some real fun... let's take a walk on the wild side.

Here are 10 years' worth of stock charts for Biogen.

We're paying attention to the period between August 2 and August 10.

For 9 out of the last 10 years, Biogen has been an absolute dud...

So betting this stock will go up is like going to the racetrack and betting on a horse that's so bad...

The teller just gives you your ticket already ripped up.

And lo and behold...

Last August, Biogen's shares dropped 2.75%.

If you had bought $10,000 worth of shares, you would've lost $275.

But if you had placed that side bet, a very easy options trade, you could've cashed out with $1,206 in seconds.

I have all these potential Payday Appointments lined up well into the future... they're just waiting for me.

They're marked on my calendar.

When the time's right, I can easily go into my account, follow the Money Calendar...

Line up these trades one-by-one...

It's a few mouse clicks, a few seconds for each.

And I'm hundreds - sometimes even thousands of dollars richer.

Then I just repeat this process over and over again.

I can do this from anywhere with my cell phone.

I don't need to be near my computer.

This is passive income, easy income - this is much better than punching a clock.

This is freedom.

Mike Ward:

Tom, I'm glad you mentioned income.

As you know, a lot of our readers are retirees.

And one of their biggest needs - I read letter after letter about this - they're searching for simple ways to earn extra income.

They want to be able to replace what they earned during their careers.

And let me tell you, the Money Calendar has the potential to do so much more than that.

Tom Gentile:

Absolutely, it changed my life.

It has given me complete financial freedom.

Every day when I get up in the morning - I boot it up, and I'm energized.

Because on my screen is this - well - it's a calendar.

And it's marked with all of these potential cash payout dates - those "Payday Appointments" that are coming up.

Look at it this way.

Remember when we were kids and we'd mark the days on our calendars until Christmas or our birthdays arrived?

Now I'm marking down days until these "Payday Appointments" arrive.

This is why the Money Calendar is still as much fun for me as the day I invented it.

I can use it - heck anybody can use it - to grow richer.

Mike Ward:

Tom, I can attest to that firsthand, which is why before we continue, I want to share something really amazing with the folks watching this.

So give me a few moments and I'll get back with you.

Tom Gentile:

I'll be here, Mike.

Mike Ward:

When Tom first brought the Money Calendar to me - he made me a promise.

He said anybody could use it to set up a seemingly, never-ending series of quick cash paydays.

And anybody could use it to make an extra $2,000, $5,000, even $10,000 a week.

When he was done with his presentation, I had two words for him - "prove it."

So we conducted an experiment with a small group of our readers.

Tom agreed to give each person who took part a front row seat to his Money Calendar.

He gave them all the research and step-by-step instructions for setting up these trades.

This way, if they wanted to take part, all they had to do was follow along.

The experiment lasted for 24 months.

And what happened blew away our expectations - it was remarkable.

This experiment gave them the shot to turn a small amount of money into an absolute fortune.

Here's what I mean by that.

If they had followed each of Tom's recommendations making $5,000 investments...

Every one of these folks had the chance to cash out with $999,195 from this experiment.

It's simply stunning.

But you don't have to take my word for it...

We encouraged everybody to track their progress - a week, or two, or six months in - and send us their stories.

So let's hear some of them.

John Macintosh
Sussex, Delaware

"Hi, I'm John Macintosh from Sussex, Delaware. If there's one word that sums up my experience with the Money Calendar so far, it's WOW! Listen, if you just made $4,525 without buying a single share of stock - you'd be saying "wow," too, all the way to the bank!"

Julie Bartlett
Vista, California

"Hi, I'm Julie Bartlett. I live in a sunny little California town called Vista. It's called Vista for a reason, because it's got the best "views" around. Well, I've gotta say that the view from my beach condo just got even brighter - and I have Tom Gentile to thank. He makes trading options so easy, even for a beginner like me. With just one trade, I made $3,215! Saying I'm thrilled would be an understatement!"

Mark Tyrell
Kissimmee, Florida

"Hi, I'm Mark Tyrell. I've got a small medical practice in Kissimmee, Florida. I'm looking to retire soon, so I started trading options with Tom. He's invented a sure-fire way to make money. I'm happy to report I just got paid $4,290 on my trade. Tom's the man!"

Frank Williams
Westlake Village, California

"My name is Frank Williams. I live out in Westlake Village, California. I've just started with Tom, and I'm already seeing big money - and FAST! I just made $12,037 in a week! Thanks, Tom!"

Don Davidson
Woodville, Texas

"I'm Don Davidson. On a typical day here in Woodville, Texas, there ain't much happening. So I started following Tom's work to spice up my life a bit. Talk about exciting, I just picked up over $18,000 in pure profit from some Chinese company called Baidu. I'm so glad I put my faith in him, because WHAM - I'm now $18,000 richer!"

Sean Getty
Louisville, Kentucky

"My name's Sean Getty, and I live in Louisville, Kentucky. I feel so grateful to take part in this Money Calendar experiment. I was paid a total of $25,344 in just 11 days."

Carl Simon
Marietta, Georgia

"Hi, I'm Carl Simon from Marietta, Georgia. My account just hit six figures... $115,000 right now. Tom, thank you."

Wes McAllister
Miami, Florida

"My name's Wes McAllister, and I'm a proud resident of Miami, Florida. Tom Gentile has helped me make a few bucks. And by a few bucks, I mean $200,000 in less than a year from the Money Calendar. It's great!"

Faren Wilton
Bli Bli, Australia

"I'm Faren Wilton. I live off the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia in a little town called Bli Bli. I just started trading with Tom under a month ago. Already, I've nearly doubled my account balance! It's completely unbelievable! I'm going to get to $1 million on Tom's next 20 trades, and I won't be stopping there. Money Calendar is the best trading system on the planet!"

Mike Ward:

Tom, what you and these folks accomplished is truly inspiring.

We just shared a few of their stories - it would literally take days to go through them all.

Thanks to you, these people were able to use the power of the Money Calendar to grab lightning quick payouts of $2,000... $9,000... $18,000... even $44,000 at a time.

They were able to do this over and over again.

And it's worth repeating...

Altogether, each person who followed you had the opportunity to walk away from this experiment with $999,195.

That's verified.

That's life-changing money.


Mike - I'm not sure how to say this any other way - so I'll just say it...

Hands down - bar none - there's no better way to get rich quick than from trading.

Every day the stock market is open - about $12 billion in new wealth is created.

That's every Monday - $12 billion.

Every Tuesday - $12 billion...

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - same story.

So I told these folks...

"Listen, these big shots on Wall Street are making a killing right now - and they're not rocket scientists - they're not smarter than you or me - believe me."

I said, "If you're going to sit on the sidelines while these guys are getting richer and richer - you are going to regret it forever."

"You can beat them at their own game. You can get a big slice of this money. I'll show you how..."

And that's what I did.

I kept things very simple.

Every month, I sent participants their very own Money Calendar.

It came pre-loaded with a series of Payday Appointments marked on it.

I wanted everybody constantly checking their calendars - counting down the days until these Payday Appointments arrived - four days left, three days, two days, one day - BAM.

And then when it was time to collect their cash, I sent them an instant Payday Alert.

I've got one handy - let's put it up on the screen now.

Right at the top you can see this is a Payday Alert for Harley Davidson.

Here we've got the quick, step-by-step instructions for executing this trade.

And check this out - here's all my research and analysis including that 10-year chart...

So what did we have with Harley Davidson?

The Money Calendar determined that it had gone up for 10 years straight between May 2 and June 9.

Everything lined up just right for this Payday.

If folks wanted - all they had to do was follow my instructions - open up their trading accounts - type in that information - a few mouse clicks - and they're in the trade.

And they had the chance to pocket a quick $1,470.

Basically, that's all we did.

We just monitored the Money Calendar and these Payday Appointments - then they acted when the Payday Alerts told them to.


And each person who followed you had a shot at making almost $1 million.



And honestly, those guys deserve all the credit - not me.

They were the ones willing to take a chance on this.

A bunch of them had never traded before in their lives - some hadn't even bought a stock before.

We had all ages - young and old - all different backgrounds taking part.

None of that mattered.

Because once this experiment got going - you could really see everybody coming together - we became a tight-knit group.

I think it's because a lot of them could relate to my story.

For most of my life I was just this average Joe scraping to get by.

I was tired of busting my butt for 40, 50, shoot - 60 hours a week.

I've been there - done that - I didn't want to do it anymore.

I didn't want to be stuck at a job I didn't like until I was 80.

I hated hearing that alarm clock buzzing in my ear every morning.

It meant that I wasn't in control of my time.

Somebody else was.

It also meant I wasn't in control of my money.

Because if you are working for someone else - they're in control.

And I didn't want somebody else controlling how much money I was able to make - and when I could make it.

So I taught myself how to trade - I had a knack for it - I used my early winnings to start that trading technology company - I was paid $20 million to sell it...

At that point, I was in complete control of my time - my money - my financial destiny.

And I became richer than I ever thought possible.

That is - until I invented the Money Calendar.

And I didn't want to keep it to myself.

I knew it could change people's lives.

Which is exactly what it did.

And now I'm ready to take this to the next level.


That's why we're here.

Let's get down to business.

You've got a major announcement to make.

Your plan is even bigger, bolder, and more ambitious than before.

Tom, the stage is yours.

Take it away.


Mike - as you know - I only gave those folks in my original experiment a sneak peek under the Money Calendar's hood...

The goal was to make quick cash repeatedly from the most basic options trades.

And that alone gave each of them the chance to pocket nearly a million dollars.

But that's just a fraction of its full potential.

The Money Calendar has been built with custom algorithms that are continuously scanning 10 years' worth of data for stocks, ETFs, options, gold, and silver...

I built a Bitcoin mining rig in my house - and I was feeding this data into the Money Calendar.

I've uncovered an arsenal of very lucrative patterns for nearly every type of investment.

So if I know that for the last decade a stock - say Microsoft, or John Deere - any stock, really - has always gone up during the same one-week period...

I can take that intelligence from the Money Calendar...

Apply it to numerous trading strategies...

And set up a series of take-it-to-the-bank Payday Appointments on that very same stock.

I've been keeping these strategies to myself - personally trading them - using them to grow richer and richer for a long time.

Now - I'm going to share them all.

I'm going to completely pull back the curtain.

I'm looking for a new class of recruits who want to be a part of what I'm calling the - Fast Fortune Club.

Mike Ward:

This is so exciting.

And it's a lot to take in.

Let's go through this point-by-point.

Say I want to be one of your recruits - I want to join your Fast Fortune Club...

What happens?

Tom Gentile:

Just like before, every month, you will be able to access your own Money Calendar.

It'll be on a special website I've created.

And I'm going to email you a digital copy, too.

Your calendar will come pre-loaded with Payday Appointments.

And we're going to hit the ground running...

You will receive your very first calendar right after you join.

It will have eight Payday Appointments lined up over the next 30 days.

These opportunities could make you $15,000 richer right off the bat.


Not a bad way to kick things off.


Exactly, if that doesn't get somebody pumped up, I don't know what will.

Also, like before, I'm going to release those Payday Alerts.

They'll have the specific recommendations, all the research, and simple instructions for the trades.

That's what we did last time.

And I realize there are going to be people who say...

"That's all I'm looking for. Just tell me what to trade, show me how to set it up, and help me make some money. That was worth about $1 million before - I'm good!"

I don't have any problem with that mindset.

But for those who want to take things to that next level... it's just the beginning.

Guys - I want you to pay extra - EXTRA - special attention to this.

At the beginning of every month, you will be able to attend what I'm calling my Million Dollar Masterclass.

Each Masterclass will cover a new trading strategy, secret, or technique.

And as the name suggests - each could make you a millionaire.

We proved this with the original experiment - applying just one trading strategy - was potentially worth about $1 million for each participant...

This time you're going to receive training on a new strategy every month!

Each Million Dollar Masterclass will incorporate live trading demonstrations and a virtual step-by-step walkthrough.

It'll be like you're looking right over my shoulder.

The first Masterclass will train you on what we talked about today...

Using the Money Calendar to sell options for instant cash. Then after that - everything is on the table.

Let's talk gold.

Here's what it's been up to for the last 30 years.

At first glance, it looks pretty good, right?

Looks can be deceiving.

What this chart tells me is that if you bought gold coins, bullion, whatever you prefer - 30 years ago - and were still holding that stuff today...

You would've seen your investment grow about 5% a year.

That's the old-fashioned way and it's not good enough.

I can teach you a Speed Gold trade I've invented.

You'll be able to execute it repeatedly throughout the year - jumping in and out of this precious metal - potentially making 10X, 20X, 50X more on your money - than you would from buying physical gold.

  • 101% in 9 days...
  • 84% in 9 days...
  • 101% in 9 days...
  • 132% in 14 days...
  • 100% in 22 days...
  • 123% in 23 days...
  • 107% in 23 days...
  • 126%in 23 days...
  • 70% in 32 days...
  • 101% in 32 days...
  • 101% in 38 days...
  • 65% in 38 days...
  • 165% in 40 days...
  • 149% in 40 days, and...
  • 202% in 40 days.

I made 101% in a little over a week with my Speed Gold technique.

132% in two weeks.

126% in about three weeks.

Sometimes the trades last a bit over a month, but could be worth 165% or 202%.

My Million Dollar Masterclass can teach you how to line these opportunities up for yourself!

Another one of my favorite techniques is called "flipping stocks."

Turn on the TV, and, every day, it seems there's a new show on flipping houses.

I get it - it's exciting - there is that promise of quick money.

But flipping houses is expensive and risky - and who wants to be renovating houses all day?

Not me - that's too much work.

Instead, I developed a way to "flip stocks."

This is a unique technique for growing rich from beat-up stocks.

You can execute a special trade on a Monday morning...

And 96 hours later you'll automatically cash out - potentially grabbing a triple-digit payday for your efforts.

For example, let's say it's late in the summer and Chevron appears on your Money Calendar.

Historically speaking, these are the dog days for this stock - at least to the average investor.

But you are not going to be an average investor.

With my flipping stocks technique, you could've been handed a fast, 323% windfall from Chevron.

I also banked 107% on Palo Alto Networks, 129% on Delta Airlines, and 106% on Alibaba, using it.

It's very easy - anybody can do it.

This is a perfect example of what I can teach you in a Million Dollar Masterclass.

Now if you know any Big Shot traders - than you've probably heard them toss around fancy sounding words like Iron Condors, Straddles, Credit Spreads, and a million others to make themselves sound really smart.

Don't let them fool you - those guys aren't deciphering hieroglyphics on some ancient Egyptian Pyramid.

In my Million Dollar Masterclasses, you're going to become a wiz on all of these trading strategies.

Like Butterfly Options.

It's another one of those trades that's supposedly only for experts.


Give me 10 minutes and one of my Million Dollar Masterclasses - and you'll be a pro.

Using a Butterfly Options trade, I made 101% in under three months on an investment that tracks 20-year Treasury Bonds.

You heard me right...

101% on a 20-year Treasury Bond investment - the very definition of boring...

But I booked it in less than three months - that's not so boring.

Each Million Dollar Masterclass will be broadcast live.

And if you miss it, it'll be archived with all of the others, so you can review it as many times as you like.


Tom - let me jump in - really quick.

For the beginners out there - the ones who've never traded before - never traded options, stocks, whatever - and that's most folks...

First, they heard you talk about those eight Payday Appointments...

The ones that could put an extra $15,000 in their pockets right away...

Then they're hearing you talk about these new trading strategies every month...

With new moneymaking opportunities...

And maybe they're thinking this is too advanced for them...


Oh, that's a good catch, Mike. I may have gotten a little ahead of myself.

I should have talked about that first.

When I mapped all of this out - I began with the assumption that everyone would be a beginner.

That way everybody could get the most out of this initiative.

So when you join the Fast Fortune Club...

Along with your first Money Calendar...

Your first set of Payday Appointments...

And your first Million Dollar Masterclass...

I'm also going to send you my Quick-Start Cash Course

This is a simple-to-follow, seven-part video series.

Each video is a step-by-step walkthrough.

I'll quickly take you through trading stocks, ETFs, options, everything.

With options specifically, I'll teach you the terms and lingo you need to know.

I'll show you how to set up an account.

You can just follow along with me.

It's point and click.

No guesswork.

Most importantly - I'm going to lay out my plan for making you a multi-millionaire.

I'll cover this in the Cash Course - but here's the big picture.

So let's say you're relaxing on a Saturday in the very near future.

And you take a look at your Money Calendar and see that on Monday and Thursday I've already lined up Payday Appointments for you.

They could hand you $856 and $1,592 in instant cash.

So it's already shaping up to be a pretty exciting week.

However, it's about to get even better.

Because month after month - you've been following my Million Dollar Masterclasses...

And now you're able to find and mark down your own Payday Appointments.

And you've set yourself up to score a series of quick-hit windfalls...

125% on Tuesday...

266% on Wednesday, and 86% on Friday.

Each windfall using a different strategy you were taught in a Million Dollar Masterclass.

You're adding these Payday Appointments right next to the ones I've already found you.

This is what's possible, folks.

Last year - the Money Calendar uncovered - get this... 96 triple-digit recommendations for me.

And that includes the partial closeouts.

That's nearly two a week.

And on top of that - with laser precision - it locked in a non-stop series of rapid-fire double-digit winners too.

Add it all up - using all the strategies in my arsenal, the Money Calendar delivered total winning gains of 12,807% last year.

12,807% is an insane number - until you experience it for yourself.

Here's a way to wrap your head around it.

Wall Street is open for business about 251 days a year.

Imagine being handed an 87% winner on each and every one of those days.

That's how you supercharge your net worth.

And if you're thinking this is a lot of work - think again.

Each video in the Cash Course is no more than 10 minutes.

Each monthly Million Dollar Masterclass - no more than 15 minutes.

The trades take minutes to set up.

So we're not talking about a lot of time here.

And you don't have to chain yourself to your computer either.

You can view your Money Calendar, the Payday Alerts, everything on your cell phone.

You can make the trades on your cell phone.

That's what I do.

Down here in Florida - somedays I like to grab my wife, hop in my Tesla, and head down to Key West, or maybe go out on my boat for a few days.

I don't want to be stuck dragging a laptop around with me.

All I want to use is this.

I want you to have this kind of freedom, too.

Heck - I'll be more than happy to shoot you a text message whenever I email out a new issue of the Money Calendar, or Masterclass, or Payday Alert...

That way you can just check it on your phone from wherever you are - and if you feel like making some money that day... you can act.


You know - your text messages are becoming really popular.

I remember reading a letter from a woman named Sarah - she said how excited she was every time she gets one from you...

Because she knows it means a payday is coming.

Sarah said she made more money during her first month following you - than she did the 10 years before on her own.


What you just said - that's the real secret here.

You're not going to be on your own anymore.

I'm going to help you - but this is bigger than me.

You're going to be joining a group of like-minded people who are ready to grow rich from trading.

Together we're going to build a powerful support system to help you succeed.

It's called the Fast Fortune Network.

Members will have the freedom to create their own chat groups - and share their own Payday Appointments with each other.

I have really high hopes for this.

Let's say you've mastered one of the strategies in a Million Dollar Masterclass - and you've been finding your own Payday Appointments for it.

You could start up your very own chat group where you share those opportunities with other members.

And somebody else could do the same for a different strategy.

Members will also be able to create their own local chapters of the Fast Fortune Club.

So if you live in Dallas, Nashville, New York, Kansas City, wherever - you'll be able to organize meetups at your neighborhood bar or restaurant.

It's really easy to arrange everything through the Fast Fortune Network.

It's just a couple of mouse clicks on the website.

And if I'm in town - I may try to stop by those meetups to say hi.

Because I want to get to know the group.

And I certainly want everyone to get to know me.

We're in this together.

So again - let's put the pieces of the puzzle together.

First, I'm going to help you fill up those Payday Appointments on your calendar - I'll send you Payday Alerts when it's time to strike.

Second - You're going to help yourself by following my Million Dollar Masterclasses... soon you'll be hunting for your own Payday Appointments.

And third - you can choose to help others by sharing those Payday Appointments you've found - and they can do the same for you.

With this three-part approach, the potential is off the charts.

Now, let's talk motivation - staying motivated is critical with new exercise plans, new diet plans, new jobs, new business plans...

And it's just as critical with becoming a successful trader.

Every week, I'm going to release Fast Fortune Progress Reports to assess how our recommendations are doing.

Because seeing how much money you're making will motivate you.

Every Friday, I'm going to record a private Fast Fortune Podcast.

I have a very strong feeling that once you're on board, you're going to be enjoying your weekends a lot more.

But before you kick off your weekend, I want to plan our mission for the next week.

I want to keep the momentum going - because momentum is motivational.

So that's what we're going to do with this podcast.

Then every month we're all going to get together for the Fast Fortune Roundtable.

This is going to be a live online discussion.

You'll also be able to submit real-time questions and I'll do my best to answer as many of them as possible.

I want everybody to succeed. I want you to succeed.

And this is going to be a lot of fun.

But it's also a very serious opportunity.

Which is why I want members holding each other accountable.

I'm going to encourage everybody to shoot quick cell phone videos - to share more about themselves and updates on their trades - how much money they're making.

You'll be able to upload those videos right to the Fast Fortune Network.

Who knows - I may want to highlight your story in the monthly Fast Fortune Club newsletter.

All-in-all - you're going to get a lot of motivational support from me and your fellow members.


I think a little healthy competition can be pretty motivational too.

Why don't you talk about these big contests you're going to be holding - with even bigger prizes?


I like to do everything big and bold.

As I said, this is a serious opportunity.

If you take this seriously, I want to make sure you're rewarded for it.

So I'll be holding all kinds of contests.

And yes, the prizes are going to be big.

The winners of just one of my contests will be "wined and dined" at my private vacation home on the South Island of New Zealand, overlooking Ruby Bay.

This trip will be one to remember.

I'll arrange a private chef, a Tesla to drive for the week, wine and helicopter tours - the works...

We're going all out with this.

And every year I'm going to throw a big, BIG party - to celebrate what we've accomplished.

It'll be called the Fast Fortune Summit. But really - it's going to be an enormous party.

And I'm known for my parties.

We're going to hold it somewhere different every year, somewhere sunny - San Diego, Key West, The Bahamas - we're going to mix it up.

We'll fit in some business too - some live training sessions between the cocktails and rounds of golf.

I'm aiming to meet everybody face-to-face.

We're going to build something big together.

Oh, and - there is one more thing I want to mention.

If you join today, you will be a Founding Member.

And there are a lot of perks for being a Founding Member, too.

As you achieve all of these milestones - along with setting up your account, executing the trades, the whole nine yards - I'm going to be rewarding you along the way with special gifts because you're taking this so seriously.

Once you hit your two-month anniversary, my hope is that you'll already be sitting on a nice new pile of cash from this.

Because really, that's the best gift I can give you.

But who doesn't love more gifts?

So on your two-month anniversary, I'll be sending you this special Founding Member Gift Box.

It's going to be filled to the top.

There's this beautiful Fast Fortune Club Notebook.

You can use it to record your trades and, more important, all your winnings.

I'm also including my "Roadmap to Riches" - it's a customized timeline you can hang in your office or study.

You can mark down your specific financial goals and see them come to life.

I'm also giving you a Personal Organizer.

It has room to keep all my coaching materials in it.

It has space for the monthly Fast Fortune Club newsletter - actually the first edition will come inside the Personal Organizer.

And the most important item in your gift box may be this, right here.

This is your Founding Member Black Card.

It means you were with me from the very beginning.

It also means you will enjoy special perks, including extra special access at our annual party.


Tom, you are offering people a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Thanks to your trading secrets you went from someone who was working at Home Depot, making minimum wage - to hanging out with Home Depot's founder in his owner's suite at the Atlanta Falcons games.

You went from sleeping on your friend's couch because you couldn't afford to pay rent - to owning mansions and property all over the world - even in New Zealand.

You've got the fancy cars. You donate enormous amounts of money to charity.

Your story represents the very definition of the American Dream.

And with your Fast Fortune Club, you're going to give people an easy-to-follow blueprint for achieving complete financial freedom.

Tom, I want to thank you for joining me today.


It was my pleasure.

And guys, I'm looking forward to going to work for you.

I'm pumped and ready to go.


Thanks, Tom.

Now folks, here at Money Morning...

My company follows a simple motto - we make investing profitable.

"I made approximately $125K for the year." - Carter Roberts

"Since joining a year ago, you've helped triple my net worth." - Bob Kreen

"I've made $185,253!" - Nathan Armstrong

"I made 22 times my money." - Greg Alsop

"Thanks to you, I've made $405,000." - William Connors

"I've profited in excess of $1.5 million." - Gary Loest

And my job is to ensure we're delivering on that promise to each of our 2.6 million daily readers.

Tom's Fast Fortune Club is the most exciting initiative in my company's history - bar none.

And you're invited to be a founding member.

Say yes and you will immediately receive your first Money Calendar with those eight Payday Appointments locked and loaded.

They could make you $15,000 richer.

And that's just to kick things off.

After all, you've already seen how Tom gave a small group of his readers the chance to become $999,195 richer.

And that was from applying just one of his trading secrets to his Money Calendar.

But now he's going to give you access to all of them.

So the value of this opportunity speaks for itself.

However, membership in Tom's Fast Fortune Club has been priced at a rate that is within almost anybody's budget.

In fact, the retail price to subscribe is $599 a year.

But, as a Founding Member, during this open enrollment period, you will be able to reserve your spot for a special rate.

There is a button below that will take you to a short subscription form.

Click it and you'll be presented with an offer that is too good to pass up.

We will only be holding this special open enrollment for a very limited time.

And we're keeping our ranks relatively small to ensure everybody is able to take full advantage of this.

And if you have any questions about Tom's service and how it will work for you, I encourage you to contact our reliable customer service team at 888.384.8339 or 443.353.4519 (international).

So if you would like to secure a Founding Membership slot in Tom's Fast Fortune Club, you must hurry.

Let's not waste another moment.

For Tom Gentile, I want to thank you for joining us.

I'm Mike Ward.

Have a great day.

Micheal Robinson's signature

Mike Ward
Publisher, Money Morning
March 2018

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