
FB Stock News


The 3 Best Tech Stocks to Buy Can Make You Rich in Any Market

You don’t have to be a market timer to be wealthy. By investing and holding on to the best tech stocks, you can make a lot of money.

The three stocks we are going to share today have already provided returns as high as 46% over the last 12 months.

But we see these stock prices climbing even further in the future. So stop trying to time the markets and invest in these tech stocks today for the best long-term gains.


The Facebook Stock Price Will Reach $250 Because of This Billion-Dollar Trend 

he Facebook stock price is trading at all-time highs after the company reported strong earnings in Q2 2016.

If you invested in Facebook during its IPO, you would have already made profits of up to 229%.

But we still see plenty of room for profits in 2016. In fact, this billion-dollar trend we discovered can send FB shares to $250 by 2020...


When Is the Facebook Stock Split Date?

The Facebook stock split vote passed, but we still don't have an official date for when the split will actually occur.

Many shareholders were hoping CEO Mark Zuckerberg would provide more insight in his Q2 2016 earnings call, but that never happened.

But because another tech company completed a split a few years back, we have an idea of when it may happen. We'll share when the split might happen, as well has how to play FB stock before the split, right here...


Terror and Chaos Can’t Stop the Markets, but I Know What Will

Uncertainty seems to be the only sure thing in the world these days. Friday's failed, bloody military coup attempt in NATO ally Turkey comes at the worst possible time in the West's fight against Daesh in Iraq and Syria, just one day after the terror group pulled off a horrific attack in the south of France.

Here at home, we've had several high-profile incidents of violence and civil unrest during one of the most heated, tense presidential election campaigns in modern history.

Yet if you only follow stock markets, you'd barely know anything was amiss. With record highs on the Dow Jones Industrials and the S&P 500, there seems to be no stopping this thing.

But I'm not expecting this to last.

I'll show you what we're going to do when we get our pullback, but first I want to show you why these markets are so strong right now...


Ahead of Facebook Stock Split, This Is How You Play FB

You won't hear much about the Facebook stock split in the mainstream media.

Shareholders voted to approve the split on June 20, making sure that no one could challenge CEO Mark Zuckerberg's voting power.

And if you own Facebook stock or are thinking of investing, we wanted to make sure you are prepared ahead of the official Facebook stock split date. Here's everything you need to know...


Facebook Stock Split Vote Passes, Here’s What to Do Next

The mainstream media has barely covered the Facebook stock split, which is why investors are asking us for more information.

There isn't an official date yet, but the FB stock split was approved by shareholders on June 20.

We will provide our readers with more details about what the split means for their FB shares. But we'll also tell you if Facebook stock is a good investment right now...