I've Had It With Stocks... I'm OUT!

The Stock Market Rose 24% in 2023
And It's Still Not Enough!

I’m Chris Johnson, Quant Trader and Chief Investment Strategist of Money Morning.

And I’m sick and tired of calls for a new bull market, calls for a recession, wrong and asinine stock forecasts…

And you know what… Quite frankly… I’m sick of stocks.

On one of its best years on record – 2023 – the stock market went up 24%.

Newsflash: Inflation is up 21% since 2020!

And with the stock market averaging a measly 7% per year –

Stocks Alone Just Aren't Enough

That’s why, from this moment forward, I’m harnessing one of the most lucrative – yet little known – investment tools on the planet for my own investments.

And I advise you do the same.

These instruments allow investors to make a ton of cash every time a stock moves…

I’m talking about collecting potentially $50, $60, and sometimes even more – for every dollar that a stock rises.

And you only need to start with a fraction of what the actual stock costs! 

The beauty is that you can do this over and over and over again.

So while stock pickers chase and settle for 7% per year, I’m aiming for five, six, or seven times that… at a minimum.

And I want to show you how you can easily do it yourself.

Everything you need to know is in my free research report, How to Beat Every Stockpicker on the Planet

You'll Learn How To...

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Wall Street's "Fountain of Youth"

This strategy remains under the radar for most investors but is celebrated by Wall Street as a top-tier wealth-building method for the ultra-rich.

Today, it accounts for only a tenth of all transactions in its market…

Retaining its mystique since the Chicago Board Options Exchange brought it to the public three decades ago.

That’s a major reason why institutions use them to stack up their returns with only a little money up front.

It’s why they prefer this to buying stocks outright most of the time. 

Michael Lewis, the best financial writer today and author of Moneyball, Liar’s Poker, and The Big Short, wrote about the strategy for only half a page in the latter work.

He talks about how Cornwall Capital, a hedge fund composed of just three guys, used this strategy on Capital One back in 2008.

They didn’t have a ton of money – they were just making their way in the world.

But they wanted to amplify their gains.

And they wouldn’t settle for the scraps they’d see by owning the stock.  

Well, it all seems to have worked out because… 

Just a Few Months Later, They Turned $26,000 Into Half a Million

And it’s more likely than not that those three guys are right now sitting on their yachts harbored in Cannes overlooking the Mediterranean.

So what is this Wall Street “Fountain of Youth”?

It’s revealed right here in How to Beat Every Stockpicker on the Planet.

You'll Learn How To...

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But That's Just the Beginning

Now, we’d both be fools to believe our financial futures – and our childrens’ and their childrens’ – can be secured with a single investment tool.

Not even Warren Buffett buys a batch of high-yielding preferred shares, washes his hands, and sits back.

Profiting with everything you have at all times – really making your money work for you – is how financial legacies are created.

And that’s what we do on Money Morning

When you put in your email above, you did something much bigger than receive a free research report…

You joined a tribe of like-minded individuals hellbent on using their money to pay for their childrens’ college funds, earning enough passive income to pay for their monthly groceries and mortgages, or building up an account to buy the house overlooking the water that they’ve always dreamed about.

Let me show you what being a member of this group is all about…

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are our big days.

When my research team and I have crossed our tees and dotted our I’s, we’re going to send you… 

Plus, every day the market is open, because company research is at the heart of the stock market and what we do every day, we’ll send you three, fast-moving stocks into the market close at 4 p.m. ET. 

It’s likely these are making quick moves to the up- or downside… so you’ll need to act fast.

You’ll receive everything via email.

Then, on Saturday, we’re going to send you a recap from the week for some of our biggest stories.

As a bonus, you’ll get a look over my shoulder for our weekly Research Sessions

You’ll have the opportunity to watch me research stocks… see me share my screen to look at charts… choose a level to buy or sell at… and discuss the best way to profit.

And if we’re not doing that, it’s because I’ve tapped into my rolodex to interview some of the top minds in the financial world today…

C-Suite executives, former hedge fund managers, and Wall Street bankers are all on the table.

And you’ll see everything first.

Remember… everything we just spoke about is absolutely free to you.

All you need to do is put in your email and our team will handle the rest.

The research report will hit your inbox as soon as you’ve put in your email… How to Beat Every Stockpicker on the Planet

You'll Learn How To...

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After reading through my research, I’ll send you a message via email tomorrow, so make sure you’re keeping an eye on your inbox.

Until then,

Chris Johnson

Chief Investment Strategist, Money Morning