Finmeccanica ADR


The "Unstoppable Trends" Offer the Richest Opportunities on the Planet Right Now (and They Always Will)

When we spoke last week, I shared with you that it took me thousands of hours of research and work – wait, make that "blood, sweat, and toil" – to isolate what only seems obvious in full hindsight: the six Unstoppable Trends.

They are energy; demographics; medicine; technology; war, terrorism, & ugliness; and scarcity/allocation.

From ancient China to medieval England to Renaissance Italy to modern America, each one of the Unstoppable Trends has been making people with the foresight to line up behind 'em filthy rich.

I'm convinced they'll continue to do so throughout the 21st century and well beyond.


Well, each one of these trends is backed by trillions of dollars and unfathomably strong momentum; each one is resistant to the kinds of government and banking monkeyshines that have gone on in one form or another for centuries.

Heck, some of the Unstoppable Trends even thrive on that stuff!

Now, I normally keep these recommendations reserved for folks who get my free Total Wealth research, but today, I want to give everyone the chance to pursue the uniquely profitable opportunities the Unstoppable Trends offer.

Let's jump in...

Trading Strategies

What Wall Street and the Media Don't Get About Interest Rates Could Make You a Fortune

Yesterday we got the chance to talk about some stocks that have an extra edge with prevailing interest rate conditions like we have right now.

And unless you've been on the far side of the moon all week, you know that those interest rates have been foremost on investors' minds; it's practically all you hear about in the mainstream financial media right now.

But for reasons I alluded to yesterday, the media's not necessarily telling you the whole truth about what's happening.

Which means they’re definitely not telling you how this is a golden opportunity in disguise…