
Becton Dickinson and Company

Trading Strategies

Chances Are Every Dollar You'll Make in 2019 Will Come from These

Most traders and market "experts" see gloomy times to come for U.S. stocks.

But not Keith Fitz-Gerald.

The Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist sees big opportunities for investors here in the New Year – thanks to a stock market "thesis" I've seen nowhere else.

Keith's identified three big catalysts for higher stock prices. And he's created an easy-to-use "profile" to help him target the next big stock market winners – the kind of winners that can make folks rich.

Here's an edited transcript of my talk with this down-in-the-trenches veteran of the global-investing boom...


3 Ways to Protect Your Portfolio (and Profit) from Interest Rate Hikes

Last month, the U.S. Federal Reserve announced it would raise interest rates for a third time this year and intended to initiate a fourth raise in the near future.

The Fed's aggressive interest rate tactics rattled concerned investors who believed that regular interest rate hikes could put a sizable dent in their portfolios.

After all, it's been a long time since investors have had to worry about higher interest rates. Between 2009 and 2015, the Federal Reserve held interest rates under 0.5% in an effort to lower borrowing costs and spur economic growth.