Markets Live Recap: Unemployment in Focus Today

This morning, United States weekly jobless claims came in at 4.4 million.

Just over 26 million Americans have now applied for...

How to Predict Markets Better Than Any Cable TV Pundit

Turn on CNBC, Fox Business Network, or any other financial news channel before the markets open, and you'll get a slew of people predicting what...

How to Cash In on the Transatlantic "Split" That's Got Nothing to Do with Trump's Tweets

Of course, last week, on June 6, the West marked the 74th anniversary of the allied "D-Day" landings in Normandy, France.


Here's a Better Way to Trade the Huge Forex Market

Forget binaries - our Tom Gentile has a much better way to trade the huge forex market, with its mind-boggling...

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