As of Aug. 31, election campaign contributions for the 2016 presidential race total roughly $250 million.
That's the amount we gleaned...
The Hillary Clinton College Affordability plan was officially revealed on Aug. 10 at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire.
Her strategy...
A controversial Donald Trump campaign polled number one going into the Republican debate Aug. 6. Conservative media darling FOX News loved Trump...
Jeb Bush Net Worth: The former Florida governor doesn't shy away from making his personal finances known. In fact, he recently released 33 years'...
How did Trump do in the debate?
The verdict varies. But there's no denying the outspoken Republican front-runner Donald Trump was his...
Chris Christie Net Worth: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie doesn't consider himself wealthy. Rather, he considers himself "not wealthy" by "current...
The finances of Marco Rubio were in the news earlier this year when the Republican Senator from Florida cashed out nearly $70,000 in retirement...
Scott Walker's campaign fundraising strategy stands out among the crowded GOP field - and not because of his recent gaffe with a Philadelphia...
Rand Paul net worth: While he has a fervid following and family clout, this Kentucky Senator's finances may surprise you.
The wealthy...
Lindsey Graham Net Worth: Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has a much more modest net worth than many of his fellow 2016...
Ted Cruz net worth: It became the subject of debate in 2012. That's when Cruz and his wife, Heidi, poured their entire life savings into his...
Only a month into the presidential race and the Donald Trump campaign is flush with scandal, starting with some of the remarks he made in his...
Wouldn't it be nice if we had a president who understood all the advances coming out of Silicon Valley? There's one candidate capable of doing...
On June 16, lightning rod entrepreneur Donald Trump became the twelfth Republican to announce candidacy for his party's nomination in the 2016...