Dubai World May Ask Banks to Take 20% "Haircut," Delay Payments to Solve its Debt Bomb

Dubai World may ask banks to take a so-called 20% "haircut" from the face values on their loans and stretch out loan maturities when it...

Investment News Briefs

With our investment news briefs, Money Morning provides investors with a quick overview of the most important investing...

$10 Billion Bailout Just Beginning of Dubai's Debt Problems

When Abu Dhabi agreed on Monday to provide Dubai with $10 billion to settle some of its debt obligations, it may have temporarily soothed the...

Qatar and Abu Dhabi SWFs Agree to Start Joint $2 Billion Acquisition Fund

By Mike Caggeso Associate Editor The sovereign wealth funds of Qatar and Abu Dhabi, a United Arab Emirates state, have agreed to start up a $2...

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