The EU President Just Labeled America a "Threat" as Bad as Radical Islam

EU president Donald Tusk made a dire request from his fellow bloc leaders this morning...

He asked that the 27-nation union agree to...

BREXIT CHART: The Largest and Smallest Economies in the EU

The European Union (EU) is seeing renewed interest by investors because Britain wants to leave.

The EU referendum vote on June23 will...

Why the Eurozone Debt Crisis Never Really Went Away

How many times have we been told the Eurozone debt crisis is resolved, only to have it turn up again like a bad penny?

Last year's string...

Four Ways to Sidestep Ireland's Woes and Profit from the EU's Economic Muscle

The $100 billion-plus bailout of Ireland, which followed the $100 billion-plus bailout of

How to Profit From Europe's Stealthy Resurgence

European countries - both inside and outside the Eurozone - are slashing their budget deficits. Sure, some - like Greece and Spain, have to. But...

Europe: The Investor Escape Hatch From the U.S. Recession

When I speak with the U.S. subscribers to my Permanent Wealth Investor advisory service, there's one bit of wisdom that I...

Drought Forces Russia to Ban Grain Exports

Russia yesterday (Thursday) banned grain exports after unrelenting heat left the country with its worst drought in at least a half-century.

Why You Should Worry About the Iran Oil Sanctions

I cut my teeth doing energy-related deals in the Soviet Union and still spend a lot of time consulting in Russia and the Caspian Sea basin. These...

Hungary's Spat with the IMF and EU Could Signal Another Crisis to Come

The biggest financial news story out of the Europe this summer is getting very little play in the U.S. mainstream press. However, it has the...

EU Widens Scope of Bank Stress Tests to Include More Banks, Government Debt

Under pressure from investors to provide more transparency, European Union (EU) officials are widening the scope of banking stress tests to include...

United States Fears Economic Stimulus Measures Will Choke on Europe's Drastic Budget Slashing

While U.S. President Barack Obama will be gunning for more economic stimulus measures at this weekend's Group of 20 (G20) meeting in Canada, European...

Are Spain's Banks Better Off than Speculators Would Like to Believe?

Somebody is bluffing.

Either Spain's financial system is on the verge of a breakdown, or hedge funds and speculators are

U.S. Treasury Bonds: The Not-So-Safe "Safe Haven"

In the last few weeks, international investors spooked by the budget crisis in Greece and the turmoil in southern Europe have been flocking into the...

Does the EU Bailout Signal the Euro's Demise?

Does the European Union (EU) bailout signal an end for the euro currency?

Investment icon Jim Rogers and lauded economist Nouriel Roubini...