Why This Euro Rebound Won’t Stop Euro-Dollar Parity

Euro-dollar parity is still coming. Don’t be fooled by this sudden rebound.

The fundamentals support a fast dive to euro-dollar...

Euro-Dollar Parity Gets Closer as Euro Sinks to 12-Year Low

The march to euro-dollar parity continued today (Wednesday) as the currency slipped below $1.06 for the first time since 2003.

In ...

Google's New "Euro Plan" Could Boost Shares by 50%
(or More)

Google Inc.'s (Nasdaq: GOOG) plan to merge its European operations might look like a defensive pullback, but it's really a potential...

Draghi's Pain Can Be Your Gain with This $10 Stock

Many investors expect "Super" Mario Draghi's recently announced 1.2 trillion euro stimulus program to produce big market gains just like the...

ECB QE Points to These Profit Plays

ECB QE and EU LTRO for Dummies: As soon as you read this explanation, comprehensible to even the dumbest of the dumb, you'll be set to trade ...

The "Gnomes of Zürich" Created a Financial Nightmare

On Halloween, the Bank of Japan unleashed a massive quantitative easing program that included the purchase of bonds, stocks and ETFs in a...

Today in Eurozone Financial News: The Euro's Nine-Year Low

Eurozone Financial News: The euro is falling - so much so that it's trading at lows not seen since 2006.

It did...

Why the U.S. Dollar Is Rising, and Why It's Going to Fall

Make no mistake about the U.S. dollar's recent strength; the long-term health of the world reserve currency is still as precarious as it ever...

Silver Prices This Week Fall Further, but Price Gains Are on the Horizon

The news of rate cuts from the European Central Bank (ECB) is giving traders more reason to short the euro.

This looks like a further...

Why to Short the Euro in 2014

The euro is readying for a substantial devaluation at the hands of oncoming monetary and fiscal stimulus.

But don't think the euro...