gold bull

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    The market-leading FANG stocks - Facebook,, Netflix, and the former Google, now Alphabet - haven't had a great 2016, with returns in the neighborhood of -15% to just under 5% for the year.

    Don't get me wrong - they're still good "holds" for investors wise enough to take the long view and accumulate big, steady gains over a period of years.

    Those anemic gains aren't surprising, given that we're all but "officially" in the depths of a bear market.

    But... like the old adage goes, "there's always a bull market somewhere," and I believe that's especially true of the basket of stocks I'm about to show you. As uncertainty and volatility rule the markets, these shares have already delivered bona fide breakout gains that most investors would kill for right now.

    But you haven't missed out; there's a new technology just hitting its stride right now that could multiply these players' profits exponentially.

    And the best part is they're all still available at real bargain prices.

    They won't stay that way, though...

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