Warning: Business Development Companies Just Got Doubly Risky

At this point of the credit cycle, a lot of securities look cheap.

Business Development Companies (BDCs) are looking exceptionally...

The Best High-Return Investments for Your Portfolio

Low-risk, high-return investments have become scarce in the low-interest environment that followed the 2008 financial crisis.


YieldCo Stocks Trend Marches on With 8Point3 IPO

The explosion of YieldCo stocks in the solar power industry continues today (Friday) with the 8Point3 IPO (Nasdaq: CAFD).

8Point3 ...

Three of the Best High-Yield Investments for 2015

As bond yields continue to decrease, high-yield investments become more attractive every day.

There are several reasons for declining...

How to Find High-Yield Investments in a ZIRP World

Frankly, thanks to the U.S. Federal Reserve, it's surprising we have not seen a savers revolt in the United States.

We can debate how...

Are Junk Bonds About to Become a Victim of Their Own Popularity?

In our current low-interest-rate environment, many investors are widening their search for more income by buying junk.

Junk bonds, that...

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