If Clinton wins the election, it won't be by a landslide.
However, the former first lady has won Google over today....
The Clinton email investigation was reopened just days before Election Day. The decision was criticized by many, especially Democrats.
Hillary Clinton could pardon herself if elected...
Clinton's fundraising far outpaces Trump's with industries that typically back Republican candidates, like finance and...
Will Hillary Clinton drop out of the presidential...
For the most part, Hillary Clinton has managed to dodge questions about how and why she used a private email server while she served as secretary...
Deaths associated with the Clintons keep rising...
On Aug. 1, Victor Thorn, a prolific writer and Clinton researcher, died at his home...
If Hillary Clinton is elected, hopefully she won't hire Chelsea Clinton's husband to be on her economic team...
After working for Goldman...
U.S. workers beware: a Hillary Clinton presidency could mean a flip-flop on this super "hot button" issue this November that will potentially lose...
Hillary Clinton has almost as many similarities with Trump's VP pick as Trump himself.
And that's a fact that Clinton could easily use in...
Calls for Hillary Clinton's incarceration erupted at the GOP convention Monday...
While Hillary Clinton has been quick to criticize Trump University, she has her own skeleton in the for-profit college closet.
You see,...
The "Hillary Clinton Student Loan Plan" will be announced today....
Following Saturday's three-hour interview with Hillary Clinton, FBI Director James Comey will be making a special announcement this morning....
A "President Hillary Clinton" would mean a raid on the National Rifle Association, among other frightening...
Yesterday, a trove of leaked documents on Hillary Clinton's expense demands was made public via The Smoking...
The Clinton Foundation has caused yet another conflict of interest for Hillary Clinton....
To put the number in perspective: She raked in six times what Bernie Sanders makes in a...
Hillary Clinton's vice president could help broaden her appeal among Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. She'll want to pick a VP that...
The troubles from the Hillary Clinton speaking fees seem to have no end.
She's already under fire for taking more than $600,000 from...