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    best investments in tech

    In the past couple of weeks, we've been seeing record highs in the markets nearly every day.

    However, we saw a pretty scary headline earlier this week about the Nasdaq Composite Index.

    On Monday, Bloomberg reported that nearly half of the stocks in the tech-centric Nasdaq have declined 20% from their highs of the past 12 months - putting them in "bear territory."

    Now this decline is mostly in small caps, which I don't cover in Strategic Tech Investor.

    However, Nasdaq small caps are not the only place we're seeing jitters in the overall market.

    Even with interest rates so low and the economy steadily improving, many nervous investors - worried about a correction - are selling off.

    Whenever there's this sort of negative noise in the air, I tell you it's not a time to sell - but a profit opportunity for tech investors.

    So, today I want to share with you three strategies designed to turn market declines to your financial advantage.

    With them, you'll leave the nervous sellers in the dust...

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