The Stronger U.S. Dollar Is Actually Destroying the Markets

The U.S. dollar remains the most important financial instrument in the world. The dollar rally has been the single most decisive factor in...

Federal Reserve's Plan "Won't End Well" for the Markets

At a meeting with Congress on Wednesday, U.S. Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen reiterated the Fed's plan to raise interest rates in the...

Another Big Fed Week: The Bernanke Monetary Policy Testimony to Congress

There's a key market-moving event this week investors can't miss: the semi-annual Ben Bernanke monetary policy testimony before Congress on ...

We're Deep In The March Toward Economic Socialism

Have you noticed that the world is on a creeping - some (that would be me) would say cascading - slide into socialism?

It started with one...

Today's FOMC Meeting Too Early for Action

There is little doubt that the struggling U.S. economy could use some goosing, and the U.S. Federal Reserve is in a position to deliver a good...

No Change in Fed Monetary Policy Likely, Bernanke Calls For Deficit Reduction

Despite the stream of data showing the U.S. economic recovery has yet to gain traction, U.S. Federal Reserve leaders are signaling there will be no...

China Monetary Policy in Focus as Reserves and Lending Surge

China's foreign-exchange reserves climbed to a world record $2.85 trillion last quarter as bank lending continued to exceed the government's...

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