Here's Another Troubling Sign America is Circling the Drain

Don't blame yourself if you missed this tidbit last week...

On Thursday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau hit the nation's...

The Secret Behind the Housing Market "Recovery"

U.S. home prices climbed 10.2% in February, the biggest year-over-year gain since March 2006.

Money Morning Mailbag: Mortgage Rates Slip But U.S. Housing Market Still Unfriendly for Some Seeking Refinancing

U.S. mortgage rates dropped to a record low this week as the U.S. Federal Reserve started its second round of

The "Mortgagegate" Scandal: Congratulations America, You're Now in the Title-Insurance Business

U.S. taxpayers already own pieces of such problem-plagued companies as General Motors Corp., Chrysler LLC, American International Group Inc. (NYSE:...

Question of the Week: Mortgagegate Makes Investors Wary of U.S. Banking Industry

A potentially crippling crisis is flashing through the banking industry and threatening to derail the already struggling housing market and U.S....

We Want to Hear From You: Will "Mortgagegate" Affect You?

A potentially crippling crisis is flashing through the banking industry and threatening to derail the already struggling housing market and U.S....

What You Don't Know about "Mortgagegate" Could Crush the U.S. Banking System

What most Americans don't know about " Mortgagegate" is that "robo-signing" of foreclosure documents is the tip of the iceberg.


Foreclosures Continue to Stymie Housing Recovery

Banks seized more homes in August than in any month since the housing bubble burst in 2007, even as the number of homes entering the foreclosure...

Moribund Housing Market Threatens to Kill Economic Recovery

The weak housing market, which has traditionally led the U.S. economy out of recent recessions, this time may put an end to the economic...

Taxpayers' $3.7 Trillion Bailout Hasn't Saved the U.S. Housing Market

The amount of taxpayer dollars directed at the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) continues to grow but with little economic progress being made,...

Housing Market Wobbling without Tax Credit Crutch

The housing market has struggled to rebuild since its 2007 collapse, and its recovery is on even shakier ground now that a tax credit for first-time...

No Changes to Fed Policy

The U.S. Federal Reserve today (Tuesday) kept its benchmark interest rate at a record low level Tuesday and made no changes to the key "extended...

Epitaph For the ARM: Is the Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Finally Dead?

[Editor's Note: This analysis of the adjustable-rate-mortgage (ARM) market is part of a two-story package on the U.S. mortgage...

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