Prepare for Years of "QE Forever' with Ben Bernanke at the Helm

When Ben Bernanke testified before Congress Tuesday and Wednesday, he staunchly defended his easy- money policies like quantitative easing, or...

Peter Schiff: Thanks to QE3, We're All Screwed

U.S. Federal Reserve policies like QE3 are building up to an inflationary catastrophe, says economic expert Peter Schiff.

Schiff, the CEO...

How QE3 and Higher Inflation Are Part of the Fed's Master Plan

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke might not admit it, but he just drastically increased the inflation risks for 2013 and beyond....

QE3 Becomes QE Forever

Welcome to unlimited quantitative easing, or QE Forever.

The U.S. Federal Reserve goosed equities, Treasury yields, gold, silver, oil,...

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