The mainstream media want you to think that U.S. farmers are going to suffer in a trade war with China.
Of course, they aren't telling...
I recently recommended a GameStop Corp. (NYSE: GME) trade to my Money Calendar Alert subscribers. On Thursday, it became a double - our fourth in...
Uncontrolled government spending could force the Fed to monetize the government's debt, creating runaway inflation, former
The proposed mega-merger of Glencore International PLC and...
After prices fell 10% in December, many investors wondered if the bull market in gold was running out of steam. That was before...
Forget about lost decades. Forecasts that we'll be turning Japanese couldn't be further from the truth. Here's why. It's...
Corn prices have surged more than 70% since May and could rise even higher in coming weeks. Prices will remain elevated for at least the next year,...
An episode of the television news program "
Starbucks Corp. (Nasdaq:
Gold is grabbing the headlines setting daily record highs. Silver is setting an-even-more-torrid pace. Wheat and coffee - American breakfast table...
Last week we talked about Singapore and Thailand - two Asian...
China in August posted its third straight trade surplus of more than $20 billion, putting friction with the United States over the nation's...
You know about China, India, and maybe even Korea, but there are two other Asian economies making waves in the South China Sea. I'm...
After the Nov. 2 midterm elections, the Obama administration and Congress are going to have to scramble to fill a trillion-dollar hole in the U.S...
European banking leader HSBC Holdings PLC (NYSE ADR: HBC) yesterday (Monday)...
By allowing the yuan to appreciate, China at least temporarily placated foreign trade partners that had expressed concern about the currency's...
Taiwan on Sunday announced a monumental trade deal with China that will boost the island's exports and shift its economy toward China-centric...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently came out in favor of a "
The United States rolled out the big guns for the second Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) with China since the Obama administration took...
China signed a $23 billion oil deal with Nigeria Thursday, reducing...