The U.S. Treasury Department said today (Thursday) that total
Since the mid-1990s, China and a host of other foreign governments have quietly acquired one-third of all United States public debt. Foreign ...
While everyone in Washington right now is patting themselves on the back in the wake of Wednesday's
200 Democrats and 19 Republicans support passing a continuing resolution with no strings attached to...
Yesterday (Monday), Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald appeared on FOX Business'...
With Congress moving like molasses and time running out, more and more Americans are wondering
Investors have started to hunt for how to prepare for the debt ceiling...
While the stock markets so far have reacted mildly to the government...
A U.S. debt ceiling debate is once again on Congress' agenda. Congress has about three weeks to pass a budget, and the White House has said that...
We have a short-term debt ceiling fix - with emphasis on short...
A new twist to investing and financial planning is averting travesties that the government itself created; first it was the fiscal cliff, now...
U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), the chairman of the House Budget Committee, is adamant Republicans will resist any further tax increases - a staunch...
Investors preparing for Washington's budget battle need to know: Will the debt ceiling be good for gold and silver?
Thanks to recent...
Republicans will vote tomorrow (Wednesday) on a debt ceiling bill that ...
Republicans this week will vote on a short-term debt ceiling increase...
With possibly less than a month before the United States hits its $16.4 trillion debt ceiling - aka falls off the "debt cliff" - the country is...
The birth, and the apparent death, of the trillion dollar platinum coin idea may one day be recalled as a mere footnote in the current debt...
The U.S. Treasury, in order to avoid default, has resorted to an eyebrow-raising move: it has borrowed from the federal employee pension...
The U.S. debt ceiling deadline lies just a few weeks away, raising the prospect of...
Republicans begrudgingly agreed to higher tax rates for the wealthy in the fiscal cliff deal, so now they plan to fight harder to get their way...