U.S. Layoffs Are Still Climbing - Latest Numbers Here

Mid-year totals for U.S. layoffs hit a five-year high.

The oil patch was hit the hardest, yet no sector has been...

U.S. Company Layoffs in 2015 Up 13% Year Over Year

U.S. company layoffs are up 13% in 2015 from the year before.

U.S.-based employers announced a whopping 41,034 job cuts last month....

Here's How Bad Job Layoffs in the U.S. Are Now

Job layoffs in the U.S. soared 68% in April. Low oil prices pressured companies across all sectors to trim headcount.

U.S.-based ...

U.S. Layoffs: More than 103,620 Announced in 2015

Today's job report showed unemployment fell to 5.5% - but it doesn't seem like things are getting better when you look at the constant stream of...

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