wuantitative easing

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    FOMC meeting minutes today

    Editor's note: In this groundbreaking analysis, Shah reveals how quantitative easing - a misguided multi-trillion dollar central bank policy and the greatest financial disruptor of our time - has distorted the global economy, made many traditional investments unprofitable, and stoked wealth and income inequality. But Shah says there are steps we can take to limit some of the damage - if we act now.

    The growing income and wealth gap between the rich and poor, most of whom used to be called middle class, has many fathers. But behind the scenes one primary cause emerges. It's the greatest financial disruptor of modern times: Quantitative Easing (QE).

    While the jury's out on whether QE will eventually be the step-ladder that lifts us out of the lingering Great Recession, as its proponents argue, the facts demand that the verdict on QE's egregious enrichment of the rich and subjugation of everyone else is: "guilty."

    And the trouble won't stop now that the United States has begun winding down its quantitative easing - the Eurozone and Japan each have massive QE programs.

    Here are the facts. Policymakers and struggling middle class and poor people must take a strong stand to fight this financial plague. Here's how...

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