Two hostile nations with no concern for mutually assured destruction... 650,000 soldiers - many under the control of Al-Qaeda... And 230 nuclear warheads ready to be fired over...
"If the Blast Wave Does Not Arrive within Five Seconds of the Flash, You Were Far Enough from Ground Zero." Source: Greater Kashmir Newspaper
Hello, my name is Mike Ward. I'm the publisher of Money Morning. In a few moments, I am going to be joined by a member of two U.S. State Department task forces...Who advises 27 governments, including the United States, Russia, and China...As well as the National Intelligence Community.He's been directly involved in a volatile situation that could have immense implications for America's financial and national security.Right now...
Two Nations With a Combined 230 Nuclear Warheads Under Their Control... May Be On the Brink of War.
They've positioned 650,000 troops along the border that separates them.
In one of these countries...
The following warnings have begun to appear in newspapers concerning a potentially imminent nuclear war.
"People should construct basements where the whole family can stay for a fortnight."
"In case no basement is available, people should construct bunkers."
"If the blast wave does not arrive within five seconds of the flash, you were far enough from ground zero."
"Vision should return in a few seconds."
Tensions between the two hostile countries you're going to be briefed on have already led to the eruption of three major wars since 1947.
And for years, our National Intelligence Community has feared a single and specific trigger event could ignite the fourth war.
But unlike the previous conflicts...
Now that nuclear weapons are in play...
This could put billions of lives in jeopardy...
These concerns are also being echoed by the Council on Foreign Relations...
And many other world governments.
That's what our National Intelligence Community and these global groups are willing to say publicly.
But it's what they are not telling you – that you need to know.
And know now.
The Prime Minister on one side of this conflict has now declared that flashpoint – that trigger event – which could spark the next war...
It's been triggered.
And the rival Prime Minister isn't backing down.
He has ordered a military drill, involving the test launch of a new type of intercontinental, ballistic missile.
It was armed with nuclear weapon capabilities.
Even Though These Nations Control Enough Nuclear Weaponry to Level the Entire Planet
All it Takes is One Warhead to Unleash Global Bedlam.
Well, in one of these countries...
At Least 8 Radical, Islamic Factions, Including Al-Qaeda and the Taliban... Are Dangerously Close to These Nuclear Warheads.
The Taliban has potentially catastrophic sway over much of the military in this country...
This is a holy war for them.
This is jihad.
And many fear a worst-case scenario is at our doorstep.
In fact, the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Foreign Affairs recently held sensitive hearings where they warned this situation has taken us into a "Zero Sum world" of "political upheaval," "terrorism," and "war."
It's been nearly seven decades since two nuclear bombs were detonated during World War II.
But today – taking place behind the scenes...
Through backchannel negotiations – tense showdowns – and covert military operations...
Are emergency measures to stop the next one from being fired over...
Joining me now to brief you on this volatile Zero Line Crisis...
Is the author of the new book The Great Game: The Coming Face-Off For Global Supremacy...
Dr. Kent Moors.
Kent, thank you for being here.
It's my pleasure Mike.
You are an official advisor to 27 world governments, including the United States, China, and Russia.
You're a member of two U.S. State Department Task Forces.
You're a regular contributor to Fox Business, Bloomberg... every major media outlet.
And you're a consultant for OPEC, the IEA, EIA, the European Union, the National Intelligence Community, and numerous members of the Fortune 500...
Including, 6 of the 10 largest companies in the world.
That's correct.
You've also received:
There are few people on this planet who are more qualified to explain this Zero Line Crisis than you.
Mike, we have nine nations that currently possess an estimated 17,300 nuclear warheads.
Two are at the heart of this Zero Line Crisis. India and Pakistan...
I've spent eight years of my career on the front lines assessing this growing threat.
But what's developing between these two nations now has forced many world governments I advise – and their militaries and intelligence agencies – to prepare for the worst-case scenario.
Here's why...
The Zero Line is the border that runs between India and Pakistan in an area called Kashmir.
It is also known as "The Line of Control."
But, in reality, there is no control of the Zero Line.
Because both India and Pakistan claim Kashmir as theirs.
So two hostile, nuclear powers – both laying claim to...
To an 85,000 square mile territory.
And running right through this disputed area – is this border – the Zero Line.
Today, Pakistan has a strict first-use policy regarding nuclear war with India.
It's centered around a very specific event that is escalating over the Zero Line right now.
As in – this very moment.
Making matters worse – we've got a major wildcard in play too.
We all remember the term M.A.D. from the Cold War – or mutually assured destruction.
This threat kept the United States and the USSR from firing nuclear weapons at each other.
In the early 80s, I was working with the Reagan Administration to develop strategies for addressing the Soviet threat.
So I had a front row seat for the threat of M.A.D.
Well here's the wildcard with this Zero Line Crisis...
On Pakistan's Side, Mutually Assured Destruction May Not Be in Play.
You touched on this earlier...
We're looking at at least eight radical, Islamic groups – including Al-Qaeda and the Taliban – with dangerous influence over the Pakistani military.
Osama Bin Laden was shielded for years from the U.S. – not far from Islamabad.
He was holed up next to the Pakistani equivalent of our West Point.
And the "Father" of the Taliban – Hamid Gul – besides being a Pakistani General...
He was also the Director General of Inter-Services Intelligence... Pakistan's chief spy agency.
Years back, he led a dangerous military insurgency across the Zero Line.
And today, the extreme groups tied to the Pakistani military view this as a Holy War.
So much so, they've all teamed up – they've formed a coalition called the United Jihad Council.
This has become a Jihad situation between Pakistan and India.
That means all bets are off.
You believe the threat of nuclear war between India and Pakistan is one piece of a far-reaching geopolitical conflict that is quickly escalating...
What you call the Great Game.
What we have Mike, is a classic case of history repeating itself.
The original Great Game refers to this period in the late 1700s to early 1900s.
It was the age of empires. The British, Russian, Persian, Napoleonic, Ottoman Empires...
These superpowers turned much of the world into a big chessboard.
Think about this...
The Great Game ended with two World Wars, and from it, a new superpower rose up... the United States.
For decades we controlled essentially the entire chessboard.
But now we have competition – China.
And we have a lot of dangerous, secondary international players.
Like India and Pakistan...
With 230 nuclear warheads in play, yes.
Mike, I wrote my book because we're entering a period that could be volatile for our economy – for world economies...
For the dollar and all currencies...
Many nations could be on the verge of war...
Many companies, bedrocks of Wall Street, could go bankrupt...
Americans can't afford to stay in the dark about this.
At the State Department, we believe winning this Great Game is critical to our entire foreign policy, our national security, and global stability.
And there is $20 trillion a year in play.
From a geopolitical standpoint you're talking about a re-shuffling of the food chain from the top Superpowers right down to the bottom.
But for average Americans – it's a similar story.
Folks caught off guard by how this Great Game is going to evolve stand to lose – on the low end – $1.41 trillion every year from Wall Street alone.
And billions more could be eradicated from their bank accounts due to spikes in energy and natural resource prices, mixed with sudden drops in our dollar.
But on the other hand – folks who understand how all the pieces are moving in this Great Game...
Well, there is $20 trillion a year for the taking.
As you can see, we're going to be discussing very serious issues that will have a direct impact on your life.
Which is why after today's presentation, you can receive a free copy of Dr. Kent Moors' book: The Great Game: The Coming Face-Off For Global Supremacy.
It will give you a true insider's view into these shocking events that are developing around the world.
And it will map out a clear path for protecting your wealth moving forward.
Okay Kent, let's examine this Zero Line Crisis between India and Pakistan.
First things first...
The Zero Line is the Most Dangerous, Militarized Border on the Planet.
It's 460 miles long, 340 of which are covered by a double row of 12-foot high, electrified barbwire fencing.
Now, where the fencing stops, row after row of landmines begin. There are thousands of them.
And, on both sides of the Zero Line, the Indian and Pakistani armies have deployed an estimated 650,000 troops.
And tens of thousands of police and paramilitary forces.
In the Himalayan Mountains, snipers are camped out in camouflage posts and rock crevices.
They've even taken this conflict 20,000 feet above the Zero Line in the Siachen Glacier.
It's nicknamed "the highest battleground on earth."
There are 150 manned posts and 6,000 troops just on this glacier.
And this Zero Line Crisis has been a powder keg ready to explode for decades.
There Have Been Three Wars Fought Between India and Pakistan Since 1947.
And Two of Them Were Waged Over Who Controls the Zero Line.
When President Clinton was in office he addressed this situation... He said:
"The most dangerous place in the world right now, I think you could argue, is the Indian sub-continent, and the line of control in Kashmir."
President Clinton nailed his assessment then... But it's even more dangerous now.
As someone who has spent – like I said – eight years on the front lines of this situation...
I can tell you – on a near daily basis, the already fragile cease-fire between India and Pakistan is violated, as automatic and small-arms fire, RPGs, rockets and mortars are exchanged.
Over 47,000 people have already lost their lives during this current, so-called "cease fire."
And many worry this Zero Line has now become "ground zero" for a nuclear war?
Those newspaper warnings you shared earlier...
The ones concerning instructions for building bomb shelters and descriptions of a nuclear warhead's impact and aftermath...
They tell the tale here...
Because they appeared in the Greater Kashmir Newspaper.
Right in the heart of the Zero Line.
But as Bad as This Situation Currently is, It Could Soon Get a lot Worse.
A while back, a high-ranking Lieutenant General for the Pakistani military admitted that his country's entire nuclear weapons arsenal is aimed solely at India.
Given their history – that's not an unexpected admission.
But recently, Pakistan's Prime Minister – Nawaz Sharif – warned that Kashmir, home to this Zero Line, has become a flashpoint that can trigger a fourth war between Pakistan and India, basically, at any moment.
Is that posturing?
Now Here's Why Washington, D.C. Has Deemed Ending This Zero Line Crisis... a Top Priority.
Posturing can always escalate into action.
And when it comes to a nuclear war with India, the Pakistani government has mandated a trigger happy, first-use policy.
It's an official policy.
It's pretty easy to figure out what a first-use policy means.
Yes, but the trigger event – that's the important part.
Because in Pakistan's eyes, it's been "triggered."
And not just theirs. 20 separate UN panels have already come to the same conclusion.
And unfortunately, India's official counter-terrorism expert fears nuclear war is now a "when," not "whether" situation.
Pakistan Can Initiate its First-Use Policy... They Can Pre-Emptively Start a Nuclear War With India at Any Moment... Over One River.
The Indus River.
How could one river could cause such a dangerous situation?
It's a lethal cocktail of geography and geopolitics.
The Indus River provides Pakistan with:
They call the Indus River "the water of life."
Pakistan Has Accused India of Stealing "The Water of Life."
You see, the Indus River begins in India before crossing over the Zero Line and into Pakistan.
Well, in 1960, Pakistan and India sat down to negotiate a tense agreement called the Indus Waters Treaty.
It gave complete control of the Indus River and two of its tributaries to Pakistan.
With one catch...
One it appears nobody in Pakistan caught.
India can use the Indus River for:
This is a big problem.
In 1960, When Pakistan Signed the Indus Waters Treaty, They Had a Population of 45 Million People.
Today, They Have 178 Million.
When India Signed That Treaty, They Had a Population of 448 Million People.
Today, They Have 1.2 Billion.
More people equals more electricity.
Since 1980, India's electricity demands have shot up over 613%.
And folks there have seen their electricity prices spike 500%.
India has to double their energy production capabilities within the next few years just to satisfy their growing population.
But already, sudden power outages are pushing 700 million into the dark without any warning.
Which is leading to fears of violent riots erupting.
So that means they're faced with few choices.
And the choice they initially made was a dangerous one.
Early last year...
India Began Construction on at Least 45 Hydropower Facilities on the Indus River...
And its Pakistan-controlled tributaries.
India's plan was to use the Indus River to boost their hydropower capabilities by 4,000%.
So they are essentially damning off much of the flow of the Indus River before it even crosses the Zero Line.
Yes, but that's not all.
At any given time, India only has enough water to satisfy its nation's needs for 120 days.
The groundwater supplies for Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Chennai are declining so fast, it's estimated they'll be gone in a few years.
They haven't left themselves much of a safety net.
So India is also tapping into the Indus River for irrigation.
This has created a line-in-the-sand moment.
Because Pakistan is already dry to the bone.
They have enough water reserves for only 30 days – at any given time – in that country.
This situation has grown so severe, in the slums of Karachi, stealing water from public pipes has become a $500 million a year business.
They're literally selling this black market water out of the back of trucks.
Karachi is located at the very end of the Indus River – just to the west.
This situation is impacting water supplies many miles away from Kashmir – from the Zero Line.
And we're quickly reaching a boiling point.
In 2008, we all witnessed a horrific attack in Mumbai, India that was carried out by Pakistani extremists.
One of the alleged ringleaders, Hafiz Sayeed, justified this atrocity by accusing India of committing "water terrorism" against Pakistan.
As startling as that incident was, its radius of destruction was limited.
But they have the means to create unlimited destruction.
They do.
The United States is Not Taking a Wait and See Approach to This Zero Line Crisis...
Far from it...
The U.S. Intelligence Community now warns competition for water could lead to state failure in countries that are geopolitically important to us.
The folks I work with here have identified 15 countries most at risk of state failure.
Only one of these countries has nuclear warheads...
Add it up...
Pakistan is now at risk of state failure.
Because one river is essential to 90% of Pakistan's water needs and 50% of its employment.
The Pakistani government's official policy is that they can pre-emptively start a nuclear war because of this river.
This same river is also why 178 million Pakistanis now face life-threatening water shortages.
Many of them claim allegiance to one of at least eight radical Islamic groups – including Al-Qaeda and the Taliban...
And they've all formed one united front – a United Jihad Council.
They've declared a holy war.
And this equals one thing according to the National Intelligence Community.
Their next war – their 4th war – could be nuclear.
Again – because of...
"Increased tensions in Kashmir" – aka the Zero Line – that were brought on by "water crises."
The Council on Foreign Relations – same conclusion.
Hostilities between India and Pakistan could escalate past the nuclear threshold.
It could happen over "access to water."
The UK's Ministry of Defense...
The same frightening message...
They warn of...
"The Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction."
Because of "conflicts over water."
Specifically "access to water between India and Pakistan."
Look at this Zero Line Crisis as one event in this global Great Game.
For India and Pakistan – water is the queen piece on this chessboard – for both sides.
And both their queens have fallen.
Yes, so that leaves them at a stalemate.
Neither side wants to start a nuclear war... or be seen as the weak side.
But neither side has a move on this chessboard – without having to make a major sacrifice.
But India recently made a move that could certainly be deemed a "major sacrifice."
India Has Tested a New Type of Nuclear Weapon...
The Agni-5 intercontinental ballistic missile.
They launched it from Odisha, in Eastern India.
It was a very dangerous gamble.
The Agni-5 has a range of 3,417 miles.
So you're not just talking Pakistan, but Beijing, Japan, Eastern Europe, Saudi Arabia...
Important interests to the United States.
All within range...
This was a wake-up call to the entire world.
A loud one.
If one nuclear warhead was fired in an act of war...
It wouldn't create a regional conflict like we've seen in Syria or Libya.
These are terrible situations, but they would pale in comparison to this.
This could create World War III.
India has one of the most powerful and largest militaries on the planet.
Pakistan would become unhinged – forget rational diplomacy.
We'd now be dealing with those radical Islamic elements face-to-face.
These two nuclear powers would drag every major nation into this.
And sides would be taken.
The loss of human life would be almost impossible to imagine.
The economic impact would be devastating.
When World War I broke out, our stock market fell 33%.
World War II, it fell about 30%.
If we were to see those kinds of losses today – you're looking at between $7.2 and $8 trillion in American wealth gone.
Would it return? Does anybody want to take the chance?
Nobody does.
Kent, the picture you've painted with this Zero Line Crisis...
To think that we're this close to a nuclear war erupting over one river...
It's frightening.
And when you step back and look at it...
At its core – this situation – isn't about a nuclear war.
No, it's a story about a resource war.
Water and energy in Pakistan and India.
The tensions between India and Pakistan are just one example of a long line that are in play now.
Nations are positioning their pieces on history's biggest geopolitical chessboard to acquire the resources their countries need...
By any means necessary.
And the outcome will determine who truly controls the balance of power in the future.
This is the Great Game.
In a few minutes, after this presentation is over, we're going to send free copies of The Great Game: The Coming Face-Off For Global Supremacy to folks who want to get this intelligence in their hands.
Kent, in your various roles with the 27 world governments – National Intelligence Community, State Department, and international agencies...
As well as the Fortune 500 companies you advise...
You're what's called a "facilitator."
Look, this is what I do...
I'm brought in to assess situations like the Zero Line Crisis – situations between hostile governments and militaries...
Or when negotiations between say – a private sector entity – and a volatile country become tense.
I'm brought in to identify the problem and the solution.
So, yes I'm facilitating solutions that way.
So explain the aggressive actions the United States has been taking to solve this Zero Line Crisis?
I can say with firsthand knowledge that a lot of money is being allocated through backchannels by our government to solving it.
We've already funneled $27 billion to Pakistan...
And billions to India as well.
So we've tried the diplomatic route.
We have a strong naval presence in the Arabian Sea – we have tens of thousands of troops stationed in the region.
Our special forces have been on the ground.
So we've tried peaceful, yet serious military tactics.
We've tried the conventional routes.
Yes, now we're taking a new approach – a private sector solution.
It's coming from a defense contractor I know quite well.
I believe it can stop this Zero Line Crisis from escalating into a nuclear war.
And that's something we should all get behind.
Because we have to.
Kent, we've talked a lot about your many roles in the private and public sector, but here at Money Morning, you are our Director of Geopolitical & Resource Investing.
The role of "facilitator" you play in your dealings with governments and international agencies and companies – you apply that knowledge to the markets.
Now, with Iraq, Afghanistan, and conflicts in Libya, and Syria among others...
It's an unfortunate reality – war is a profitable business.
It is...
And the defense sector has been especially profitable in recent years.
These guys have made a lot of money on war through the conventional channels.
But the dynamics are now changing.
The Smarter Defense Contractors Have Realized That They Have to Diversify Out of Pure Warfare Technologies...
And into Solving Problems Before They Lead to Conflict.
And one under-the-radar player in the defense sector has the solution to this Zero Line Crisis and many future conflicts.
99% of all water on this planet is saltwater.
And India has 4,671 miles of coastline to tap into that saltwater.
A new approach to desalination is the key to solving this Zero Line Crisis.
Now, the "old fashioned," desalination technology is five times more expensive at converting saltwater to freshwater than just extracting it from groundwater, lakes, and rivers.
Because it relies on thick filters to separate the salt from the water.
A stack of paper – three reams worth – measures about six inches high.
This is the thickness of the current desalination filters.
Now, remove just one of these sheets.
A single sheet...
This represents the width of the desalination filter this defense contractor has developed.
Besides being ultra-thin, this desalination filter is...
Desalination now becomes economically viable in even the poorest countries.
It becomes economically viable to the 780 million people who can't access clean drinking water now.
Kent, talk about this filter's secret.
It's built with a "miracle material" called graphene.
At 1-atom thick, graphene is the thinnest material on the planet.
It's more flexible than rubber.
Yet, it's stronger than diamonds – 300 times stronger than steel.
Mike, graphene is so strong it can literally remove radioactive elements from water that's been contaminated from a nuclear spill.
You could drink that water right after it runs through this filter.
And it's not a rare material.
No, it's an advanced material – extracted from graphite – with massive potential for numerous applications.
This defense contractor was one of the early innovators with graphene.
I was sent their internal memo that reveals this desalination breakthrough.
Originally they had been working with graphene in what they called their "core markets, including aircraft and spacecraft."
Then they discovered that they could use it to:
"Revolutionize the process of desalination by making it far more efficient and less expensive."
So they threw their big guns behind this...
They combined the leaders of their "Mission Systems and Training, Advanced Technology Laboratories and Space Systems" departments.
And they developed and patented a desalination breakthrough that internally...
They're calling a "game-changer."
And this technology could stop the Zero Line Crisis from escalating into a "worst-case scenario?"
Let me put it this way, Mike.
Coincidentally, around the same time this technology was first presented, India committed to building 500 desalination plants by 2017.
Talking dollars and cents...
India is now allocating $92.1 billion a year – that's a year – towards solving this water crisis.
And coincidentally again – I know for a fact – the Indian government is going to cut big checks... we're talking checks totaling many billions of dollars...
They are being quietly directed to the company that controls this incredible filter.
The contracts are signed.
Here's another coincidence...
This company has already set up shop in India.
They now have an office in New Delhi.
And Pakistan has started to do their part as well?
They have.
Pakistan has committed $300 billion towards water technology.
They recently built 12 desalination plants.
And a massive one is currently in the works in Karachi.
Now here's another coincidence...
This same company, with this miraculous desalination technology...
It has already secured very large contracts with Pakistan as well.
I'm not much for coincidences Mike.
Kent, here at Money Morning, we've been helping people capitalize on military and defense technologies for years.
So let's put this opportunity in perspective...
What's the profit potential for this company – thanks to its graphene-based, desalination filter?
Factoring in just the most conservative growth rates for this technology, it could propel this defense contractor's share price up 464%.
But Mike, that's a conservative estimate.
This contractor has big plans for taking what they've learned from this graphene breakthrough.
That internal memo – they hint at this.
They're going to apply a variation of this technology to "sensors in electronics platforms and other structural applications."
That's going to be a $7 trillion a year global industry.
They're also going to expand it into "biopharmaceutical" uses – another big deal.
Early research suggests graphene, when used as a delivery mechanism, can create a 1,000-fold boost to the effectiveness of cancer drugs.
They are also looking to use graphene to maximize output from "oil and gas wells."
So really – 464% gains is a jumping off point.
Folks can consider two or three times that in play as this develops.
Plus, besides capital gains – you're looking at a company that has raised its dividend price aggressively, each year, for the last 11 years.
But here's a really exciting glimpse into the future.
Their dividend has risen 101% – it's more than doubled – since before they developed this desalination technology.
They know what's coming.
Kent, your book is just one part of a free package you've put together called The Great Game Blueprint.
You've also prepared a free companion piece – an investment intelligence briefing.
The Great Game Action Plan: 6 Companies That Will Tip the Scales in This $20 Trillion Resource War.
It reveals this defense contractor and explores its graphene-based desalination breakthrough.
Mike, there are six companies nations are playing kingmaker with right now.
What I mean is, they have the technology, like this defense contractor...
Or they control the natural resources...
Or the geopolitically sensitive deals these nations crave, to help them get a leg up in this $20 trillion a year resource war.
I'm directly involved with many of them.
These six companies could make Americans who get into them now a fortune.
We're going to continue exploring some of the other pieces on this geopolitical chessboard – this Great Game.
But you don't have to wait to claim a free copy of Dr. Kent Moors' Great Game Blueprint.
This package is yours at no cost if you're one of the first 1,000 to step forward today.
There is a button at the bottom of this page you can click at any time to secure it.
It includes the book...
The Great Game.
Plus, The Great Game Action Plan, which reveals six lucrative investment opportunities.
And there's another piece to this package...
The Great Game Survival Guide: 10 Companies to Drop Before They Decimate Your Portfolio.
Kent, before we dive back into our discussion, talk about this.
Mike, the re-balancing of power between nations could cause certain currencies to be destroyed – economies to weaken, companies to crumble – this Great Game is going to cause volatility.
Americans have to protect their financial security from all of this, before escalations begin to speed up.
Two banks in this report are attached to $154 trillion worth of toxic derivatives...
That's about two times the entire world's GDP.
If they fall – they are going to take a lot of folks down with them.
I estimate the losers of this Great Game will rob Americans of a bare minimum of $1.41 trillion from their portfolios every year for the foreseeable future.
And that's a best-case scenario – that's if we don't see some of the extreme outcomes that are quite possible now.
If we do – that $1.41 trillion will multiply.
So the book provides the real story on these situations... the Action Plan shows folks how to capitalize on the winners of this $20 trillion a year resource war...
And this survival guide helps protect Americans from the losers, Mike.
The 10 companies I warn about in this report, people need to know to get out of them – and get out of them now.
As you can see folks, this Great Game Blueprint, with the book and the two intelligence briefings, is comprehensive.
It will give you specific guidance for preparing your investments and personal finances for the future.
And in a few minutes you will be sent a copy of it for free.
Kent, we don't have a lot of time left – so let's cover as much as we can right now.
Think about the Great Game this way...
There are only two superpowers in the world – the United States and China.
We're both thinking 5-10 moves ahead on this chessboard.
Everyone else is playing one move at a time.
The House Committee on Foreign Affairs just held hearings on the Emerging Threat of Resource Wars.
The military – intelligence community – all the major D.C. players took part in these hearings.
And, one of the revelations was "Beijing is abandoning its 'peaceful rise' policy."
For over two decades now – China has essentially used cheap labor to aggressively grow their economy.
In 1993, their total GDP was $441 billion.
It's grown 1,917%, or $8.4 trillion since then.
But to maintain this growth going forward, they have to now get natural resources from all over the world.
And if they have to use military force – they are not afraid to.
Like what's happening between China, Japan, and the U.S. over the South Sea.
Prime example.
China believes the South Sea contains 200 billion barrels of oil.
Problem is – Japan says it's theirs.
But it's not just Japan, Mike...
The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan also believe they have legitimate stakes to the energy out there.
And due to our relationship with some of these nations – Japan and Taiwan specifically – the United States is directly involved in this conflict.
Last year, we had an extremely close call when the USS Cowpens – a guided-missile cruiser – narrowly missed a sea battle with a Chinese warship.
2009 and 2001... similar situations.
So we're going to continue to see some tensions here.
The U.S. Navy is planning to position 60% of their forces into the Asian seas by the end of this decade.
Because, China has multiplied their military spending by over two and a half times since 2006.
And it's not just Japan, the United States, and those other countries you mentioned that China is walking a tight rope with.
You write in your book that...
China is Now Doing Business with a Mexican Drug Cartel.
Yes, the Knights Templar Cartel.
They are dealing iron ore to the Chinese government.
4 million tons of it.
Taken straight from mines this cartel controls, this iron ore is moved in broad daylight on trucks directly to a major port in the city of Lazaro Cardenas. From there it is shipped out to China.
Late last year, the Mexican Navy carried out strategic operations to stop the cartel and China...
But nothing has stopped.
No, however, this is about perspective, Mike.
China is in the Empire-Building Business...
A lot of folks have seen the news reports of these ghost cities they're building over there.
Tianducheng – China's Paris.
The Hennan Province Ghost City – it's the size of Chicago and Houston combined.
The Kangbashi District is nicknamed "the Dubai of China."
All essentially empty.
China has built 64 million empty homes – the equivalent of 32 empty Washington D.C.s.
They're building for tomorrow – not today.
Just to maintain their growing empire, they need to secure at least $11.7 trillion in international, natural resource deals.
So they're forming strategic alliances with anyone who has what they need.
Even a drug cartel in Mexico.
That iron ore is helping to fuel their construction boom.
In some instances – like with the South Sea and Japan – they are abandoning that "peaceful rise" doctrine – they are willing to use military force to get what they want.
But most of their deals – it's about strategic alliances and economic muscle.
They're going into nations and essentially giving them bribes and bailouts.
China takes 44% of Angola's exported oil. They gave them a $13 billion bailout to grease the wheels there.
Nigeria is sending China 200,000 barrels of oil a day. They built Nigeria an airport to get that.
In Russia – after China hands them a $55 billion economic bailout of cheap loans – Russia floods China with oil and gas in return.
In Venezuela – China's receiving $4.02 billion worth of natural resources.
In Iraq, China has secured a deal to develop the Rumalia oil field.
That's one-third of Iraq's total oil output.
Brazil, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates...
Great Britain... the entire Euro Zone...
China has formed strategic alliances with all of them.
They have...
You got caught in the middle of a dicey situation on one of their recent strategic alliances in Ecuador.
Yes, in Ecuador I oversee a $13 billion, 300,000 barrel-a-day oil project for the U.S. State Department.
I work with Wilson Pastor specifically on this.
He's the former President of OPEC and current Energy Minister for Ecuador.
Ecuador had defaulted on a bunch of loans – they were dead in the water – nobody was going to loan them any money.
So China wrote them some big bailout checks.
And what Ecuador handed them was a deal to control 90% of their oil.
What's interesting about this – is you were the one China called on to play "facilitator."
To keep the U.S. and China on friendly terms over this maneuver.
China even chose you to explain this Ecuador deal to their people on their State Run TV network.
Does that bother you – playing both sides in this Great Game?
Mike, this is the world we live in.
We don't want China as an enemy.
That's why, like it or not, China has also moved their pieces over here.
They have secured $44.2 billion worth of natural resource deals across the United States and Canada.
So this is not a black and white issue – lots of greys here.
It's a delicate relationship.
I just help facilitate it.
Your book does a remarkable job of mapping out China's strategic maneuvers – and what they mean to average Americans.
And how much we have to worry about them from a military standpoint.
But in the Great Game Action Plan, you've targeted three pieces China's moving around on the chessboard that could deliver powerful profit opportunities to average folks.
For instance, you've set your sights on a $40 billion deal in Argentina.
That will provide a major Chinese energy major I advise with direct access to oil reserves totaling 393 million barrels.
The company on the receiving end of this $40 billion deal could multiply in value many times over.
I'm thinking the floor here is 300% gains – the ceiling is unlimited.
You've also targeted a shocking strategic alliance between Saudi Arabia and China involving an amazing technology.
From your book – it's apparent – Saudi Arabia is going to be a very big loser of this Great Game.
But this $109 billion Mecca Plan they are now carrying out with China, it could be an incredible opportunity for Americans.
Yes, thanks to the United States – our energy boom – Saudi Arabia's queen piece on this chessboard (oil) has fallen.
The Saudi's Mecca Plan involves running the entire country on renewable energy and low carbon fuels.
The crown jewel of this "Mecca Plan" is to turn Islam's holiest city into the first major city to run completely on solar power.
Saudi Arabia is playing kingmaker with a Chinese solar power company that has a groundbreaking technology that can make their Mecca Plan a reality.
They've got $109 billion budgeted to start it.
This Chinese company has already been on the ground in this country.
70 stations are being planned for phase one.
But that's just phase one – it's about to be a $1 trillion industry.
You're looking at a company that could jump 600% because of a deal like this...
Given your history uncovering alternative energy windfalls, it's a safe bet to follow your lead there.
It's the same with the third China opportunity you've targeted:
The Trans Afghan Pipeline.
This is a perfect example of how Chinese and U.S. interests can intersect for positive outcomes.
Here our delicate relationship is mutually beneficial.
The Trans Afghan Pipeline starts in a Turkmenistan gas field that could have more than $8.2 trillion worth of energy in it.
To see China's play in this, you've got to follow the money.
China has just clinched $100 billion worth of energy-driven strategic alliances in the Turkmenistan region.
And the Asian Development Bank is leading the charge on this pipeline.
Which is very fortunate for China, because three members of its Board of Directors and their VP of Operations have close ties to the Chinese Government.
So the Chinese are calling the shots...
Make no mistake about it.
China is setting this up as a geopolitical move – to mark their flag in the ground in this region.
To do so, they're playing kingmaker with an energy company – and here's the curveball – it's not in China.
Here's another curveball – the United States – we're greasing the wheels here too.
Because the Trans-Afghan Pipeline will wind into the Kandahar province of Afghanistan.
This pipeline secretly helps eliminate Afghanistan's dependency on Iranian oil.
It's a crippling blow to Iran's economy.
It also weakens Russia's strength in this region. And after what we've seen lately from them in the Ukraine – that's a good thing.
This pipeline is a big geopolitical win for the United States.
We're using China's moves on the chessboard to our advantage.
It appears like it could be a big winner for investors too.
Since you know about these situations before Wall Street, due to your line of work, you've done quite well with oil and pipeline opportunities.
What's the potential with this one?
Conservatively speaking, this pipeline – for the next three decades...
It could provide over 13 times the revenue this company currently gets from its entire business.
This pipeline could trump it all by 1,300% – all by itself...
Each and every year.
When the final deal has ink on paper – this company's share price could skyrocket – it could surge 10 fold and that's just the beginning.
Kent, each of these opportunities in your Great Game Action Plan could radically boost the net worth of average Americans...
And your book, it reads like a suspense thriller.
It's got intrigue, backdoor deals, and backchannel negotiations – many of which you've been directly a part of...
Like this pipeline situation you just talked about.
You investigate military showdowns you've spent years on the front lines of.
Like this Zero Line Crisis...
Everything we've talked about – these are just a few of the many pieces in play on this international chessboard...
Now, in our last few moments I want to talk about a really important message you deliver in your book – it's one every American needs to hear.
Despite what we just talked about – China isn't winning this Great Game.
No, China is one of the big winners...
But – they won't come out as the biggest winner.
We will.
We've been moving our pieces around on this chessboard too.
With our defense contractor and the Zero Line Crisis.
You also write about the U.S. plan to avert a historic catastrophe in the UK.
One that according to the U.K. Spectator...
Could leave England with the power of "a third world country."
This situation is developing – and developing very fast – around the UK's North Sea.
Since the early 70s, it has represented about 90% of the entire UK's energy reserves.
Last Year the North Sea's Gas Reserves... Fell to a Two-Day Supply.
Things became so desperate, so quickly...
Ships from Qatar each carrying six-hour supplies of liquid natural gas were put on emergency routes just to keep the lights on in London.
That's over 4,000 miles away.
The UK's Office of Gas and Electricity Markets predicts a final energy reckoning could hit...
Winter – next year.
We can't have a catastrophe of this magnitude strike the UK.
It would take down our financial markets here because we are so interconnected.
It would cause a currency collapse over there.
Fortunately, we have the one company with the one smart grid technology...
That can keep the lights from going out in London...
22 major smart grid projects are now being expedited for launch across the UK.
And this is going to be a $400 billion a year global market.
This company could easily reward investors quickly with 485% gains.
We don't have time to map out all of the U.S. moves in this Great Game – the book explores them all, but there is one we have to discuss.
It's the big one...
You use one word to describe it...
Mike, it's a foregone conclusion America is going to achieve total energy independence.
Everybody I work with at OPEC, in Russia, China already knows this.
With the shale gas and unconventional oil coming out of Texas, Pennsylvania, North Dakota... we're soon going to be exporting our energy.
This is happening.
That's the story everybody knows – here's the one folks don't know, because it is so sensitive...
We Control a Technology That Transforms 100 Barrels of the Cheapest Crude Oil on the Planet... Into 135 Barrels of the Most Highly Coveted Energy Ever.
This technology can create "free oil."
It's been developed inside a six-story building on a limited-access island in a neighborhood so small, you could fit 20 of them inside a single square mile.
The building is equipped with a central command center, a small battalion of guards, impenetrable security systems...
It even has its own off-grid power source.
It's a fortress protecting this "free oil technology."
It revolutionizes the way we refine energy through a process the EPA calls "regeneration."
This company developed a method that can alter the molecular state of oil in such a way, that not only does it refine it...
It expands the total volume of the oil by as much as 35%.
This Refiner Achieves 135% Efficiency.
And it doesn't just create "more" – it creates a form of green energy.
Nobody would ever say the EPA has been quick to cheerlead oil.
But they performed 10 separate tests that proved this technology will "reduce emissions."
The Department of Energy... similar story.
They believe this "free oil" technology can create – see if you can spot the pattern...
And this isn't a future technology.
The U.S. company behind it can already create enough free "green oil" to eliminate 1.57 million metric tons of CO2 emissions.
So take the CO2 created in San Francisco, San Jose, and Sacramento, California each year... combined.
And make it vanish.
Kent, you've been uncovering windfalls from refiners in rapid succession.
But this one offers an unprecedented competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Yes, and from a geopolitical standpoint – it magnifies our energy discoveries here – while lessening our need for – say, Middle Eastern oil.
It's checkmate...
The Company With a Stranglehold on This "Free Oil" Technology is 1/20th the Size of Energy Titans Exxon, Shell, and BP.
We could be in for a wild ride as they roll this technology out further.
650% gains – even higher – are possible.
Dr. Kent Moors, we've only begun to investigate this $20 trillion a year global resource war.
Which is why we're going to get free copies of your Great Game Blueprint into the hands of folks watching this today.
There is another free piece to this package – an additional intelligence briefing we haven't discussed yet... The Next Great Game Battleground: The Arctic Showdown.
I wanted to create a separate briefing for one of the most volatile and sensitive geopolitical events we face in the future.
The arctic represents about 6% of the earth's surface, yet 20% of the undiscovered oil and natural gas on this planet.
So just talking conservative estimates, we're looking at about 412 billion barrels of total energy, or $10.5 trillion worth.
So the Arctic is a natural resource treasure trove.
It is... but whose treasure is it?
We've got seven countries: Canada, Denmark, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, and the United States...
Who all believe they have a legitimate stake to it.
This will eventually pit Russia versus the United States.
All of the other nations will fold – they don't have the economic or military muscle.
Due to your work with both the Russian and U.S. governments...
Will you soon be playing "facilitator" here?
This is a sensitive situation, so yes.
It's already being called the new Cold War.
In the book, I reveal how this is going evolve – step by step.
As well as the probability of the U.S. and Russia engaging in military hostilities over the Arctic.
I talk about how it's connected to the big picture – the Great Game.
And how we're going to win in the end.
Then, in the intelligence briefing, you reveal the companies best positioned to be enriched from this arctic treasure.
With something this big – again, there is about $10.5 trillion worth of undiscovered energy there...
It's not just one company to focus on – there are two private-sector targets that our government, military, and intelligence agencies will attempt to play kingmaker with.
These are longer-term opportunities, but they could pay off in spades for those who act on them now.
Kent, your book, The Great Game: The Coming Face-Off For Global Supremacy...
It presents an entirely new perspective on the radical tactics our country and really each of us are going to have to take to deal with the future – with other nations, with our economy, and our financial markets.
Plus, with these three investment intelligence briefings – you are helping people capitalize on the $20 trillion a year that's at stake, while showing them how to stay safe from the volatility along the way.
It's remarkable.
Thank you for your time.
It's been my pleasure Mike.
My company, Money Morning, provides breaking economic and geopolitical news to over 550,000 daily readers and paid subscribers across more than 25 countries.
Everything we've talked about today is going to reshape and rebalance global economies and international power structures.
Which is why we created this Great Game Blueprint...
And we want to send it to you for free.
It will help you navigate through these uncertain times.
It includes Dr. Kent Moors' book, The Great Game: The Coming Face-Off For Global Supremacy...
Plus, his intelligence briefings, The Great Game Action Plan: 6 Companies That Will Tip the Scales in This $20 Trillion Resource War...
As well as, The Great Game Survival Guide: 10 Companies to Drop Before They Decimate Your Portfolio...
And finally, The Next Great Game Battleground: The Arctic Showdown.
You will be given an easy-to-follow roadmap that will help you steer your portfolio towards the opportunities that could boost your net worth, while avoiding the ticking time bombs that could decimate your financial security...
It's a complete solution.
Simply click the button below to claim this free package.
Or to become a member by phone call 800.672.0745 (or 443.353.4351 for international callers) and mention priority code WEADR320.
But please do not delay, as we only have 1,000 Great Game Blueprints available today.
For Dr. Kent Moors, I want to thank you for taking part in this exclusive, Money Morning event.
I'm Mike Ward.
Good day.
Mike Ward Executive Publisher, Money Morning March 2014
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