Iceland central bank

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    After printing $4 trillion since 2008, we've little to show for it.

    Endless debates about the effectiveness of QE, or its lack thereof, haven't spawned better decisions, especially in Europe. Think periphery nations like Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

    Better yet, take a look at the stock market, where worries about Europe's economy rattled investors. It's certainly not a pretty picture....

    Recently one European national leader offered a somewhat unique response for dealing with the financial crisis and debt bubble.

    It appears an unorthodox, yet sound, approach on the surface. But when you scratch beneath, it turns out just the opposite is true.

    Developed economies would do well to consider the true state of this country's example of a "model" recovery before an even more catastrophic, debt-ridden future arrives, and erupts... Full Story

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