car of the future

  • Featured Story

    Jim Hackett

    Ford Motor Co. (NYSE: F) - our favorite carmaker - sees a bright future (and big dollar signs) in nascent areas like ride-sharing, driverless autos, and the "connected car." So it just created a Smart Mobility subsidiary to ensure Ford will grab more than its share of the profits in the huge technological advances in store for the auto-manufacturing market.

    I really love this move, because with it, Ford has turned these three areas of opportunity into major points of corporate focus. And I think that positions the already-innovative carmaker as a front-runner among big auto producers.

    But, as we've seen, all great ventures have great leaders, so the part that really has me jazzed is the executive Ford has tapped to head this initiative.

    This executive - who will report directly to the CEO - is a proven winner.

    And a close look at some of his recent achievements shows that he's got the "Right Stuff" to make sure this car-of-the-future initiative gets done - and gets done right.

    So here's why I'm so excited that this leader is on board now...

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