Dubai World May Ask Banks to Take 20% "Haircut," Delay Payments to Solve its Debt Bomb

Dubai World may ask banks to take a so-called 20% "haircut" from the face values on their loans and stretch out loan maturities when it...

Investment News Briefs

With our investment news briefs, Money Morning provides investors with a quick overview of the most important investing...

Buy, Sell or Hold: HSBC Holdings PLC (NYSE: HBC) Has Absorbed the Financial Crisis' Impact and Is Now Exploiting It

In tough times, the strong get stronger, and HSBC Holdings PLC is (NYSE ADR: HBC) is cherry-picking the world. HSBC is one of my favorite banks in...

Investment News Briefs

With our investment news briefs, Money Morning provides investors with a quick overview of the most important investing news stories from all around...

Banking Bellwether HSBC Forecasts a “Tough” Year

By Don MillerAssociate EditorMoney Morning Europe's biggest bank, HSBC Holdings PLC (NYSE ADR: HBC), said first quarter profits increased...

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