taking profits

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    taking profits

    Many experts claim we're not in a bubble economy because they can't see the "bubble."

    Why is beyond me.

    The bubble is so enormous that any serious bailout attempt would have to encompass the entire shootin' match, or roughly $600 trillion to $1.5 quadrillion ($1,500,000,000,000,000) in order for it to work.

    That's the total estimated amount of outstanding derivatives, credit default swaps, and exotics outstanding according to various industry sources.

    I say estimated because nobody actually knows for sure, as the derivatives markets remain almost entirely unregulated.

    And, that's why the well-intentioned but completely misguided onesey-twosey's bailouts and Band-Aids we've seen so far won't cut it despite the fact that they're already into the trillions of dollars.

    I say this because, despite what most politicians and central bankers think, we are not staring at a series of independent bubbles blown into the wind, but a single, massive all-encompassing monster bubble that surrounds us all.

    But don't abandon the ship yet. We can get through and take our profits at the appropriate time; all it takes is a little moxie and a steady game plan like this one...

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