These Two Market Crash Signals Are Lighting Up

After last week’s strong finish, it’s no shock that Wall Street’s starting to make encouraging noises about “recovery.” But when did...

How the U.S. Debt Works

Policymakers need to start being more honest about how the U.S. debt works.

It's an age-old debate among the members of Congress. How do...

The Real Reason Russia and China Are Dumping U.S. Debt

The dollar is a weapon, built up by the U.S. debt to foreign nations and protected by U.S. military might.

But the U.S.'s financial foes...

AIG Stock Sale Doesn't Justify Bailout Package

The U.S. government, for the first time since 2008, is officially a minority stakeholder in American International Group Inc. (NYSE:

Debt Ceiling Woes: Four Moves to Make as a Government Shutdown Looms

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is once again worried that we're going to hit our debt ceiling (this time by May 16), and the resultant...

Inflation Fears: A Sanguine Fed is Underestimating the Escalating Threat

Pretty much everyone but U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke sees that inflation is returning: After all, even Bernanke's favorite...

Federal Reserve Report: Central Bank's Record $82 Billion "Profit" is a Red Flag Warning

If the record $81.7 billion in profit that the U.S. Federal Reserve reported for 2010 was turned over to taxpayers directly, there's no doubt it...

AIG to Borrow from Treasury as Part of Exit Plan

The U.S. government and American International Group Inc. (NYSE:

Fed's Easing Spurs Treasury Purchases as Banks Shun Lending 

Despite the U.S. Federal Reserve's efforts to spur lending by keeping interest rates low and pumping up liquidity with quantitative easing, banks...

Don't Get Bullied out of Bonds

Bonds have provided a welcome safe-haven for investors seeking shelter from the financial maelstrom of the past two years, offering steady returns...

Will The Fed Fall Back on Treasury Purchases to Fuel Economic Growth?

Faced with a faltering recovery, the U.S. Federal Reserve today (Tuesday) will again consider ramping up purchases of

What's In a Name: Can the U.S. Afford to Call China a Currency Manipulator?

It seems like every six months the debate over China's currency, the yuan, reaches a fevered pitch: The Washington bureaucrats

The Fed's Treasury Purchase Plan is Just Further Proof That It's in the Denial About the Dollar

This week's decision by the U.S. Federal Reserve to buy Treasuries in an effort to prop up borrowing is further proof that the economy is worse off...

AIG Bailout Second-Guessed by Government Watchdog

A bipartisan Congressional watchdog panel reviewing the government's bailout of American International Group Inc. (NYSE:

U.S. Treasury Bonds: The Not-So-Safe "Safe Haven"

In the last few weeks, international investors spooked by the budget crisis in Greece and the turmoil in southern Europe have been flocking into the...

U.S. Treasury To Sell Citigroup Shares to Reduce the Bank's Government Reliance

The U.S. Treasury Department today (Monday) announced it would start selling up to 1.5 billion shares of Citigroup Inc. (NYSE:

Inflating Government Bubble Can Only Lead to a Major Financial Hangover

During the 1990s, the inflationary policy of the U.S. Federal Reserve fueled a tech-stock bubble. When that bubble burst, the Fed inflated a...

How to Protect Yourself - And Even Profit - if Foreign Creditors "Strike" U.S. Treasuries

The odds are good that China won't dump its holdings of U.S. Treasuries anytime soon. But by substantially reducing its purchases of U.S. debt - or...

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