Editor's Note: Romulus Augustus, the last emperor of Rome, had a lot of time to think about what went wrong to cause the...

How to Fix the U.S. Housing Market

If this week's economic reports showed us anything, it's the fact that two years into what's supposed to be an economic recovery, the U.S. housing...

Author Chat: Money Morning's Martin Hutchinson Talks About "Alchemists of Loss"

The Nobel Prize panel granted its top award to seven leading economists - whose theories went on to cost investors trillions of dollars in...

The Defeat of the "Shadow Shogun" Means it's Time to Buy Japanese Stocks

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan's narrow Tuesday victory over Ichiro Ozawa for the leadership of the Democratic Party of Japan wouldn't normally...

Investing in Canada: The World's Safest Economy

I've said it once, and I'll doubtless say it a few dozen more times before the U.S. economy returns to health: Just because you have to endure...

The Tobin Tax: The Deficit-Busting Levy Wall Street Hates

After the Nov. 2 midterm elections, the Obama administration and Congress are going to have to scramble to fill a trillion-dollar hole in the U.S...

How Washington Should Handle the Bush Tax Cuts

The big political issue for the remainder of this year will be the so-called "Bush tax cuts" engineered by U.S. President George W. Bush in 2001 and...

The Headline You Never Expected: Foreign Growth Could Bail Out the U.S. Economy

During a period of increasingly worrisome headlines about the U.S. economy, there is one bright spot.

The rest of the world appears to be...

The Global Double-Dip Recession: Which Markets to Hold... And Which Ones May Fold

Last week's stock-market meltdown was a worldwide affair, and was touched off by trader fears of a global "double-dip" recession.


How to Profit From Europe's Stealthy Resurgence

European countries - both inside and outside the Eurozone - are slashing their budget deficits.

China's Inflation Higher Than Target Rate, Could Be a Sign It's Time to Tame Rapid Growth

China's inflation rate rose 3.1% in May from a year earlier, exceeding the government's 3% target rate for 2010 and stirring speculation on whether...

How to Cure Western Bankers of "Bad-Banker" Behavior

Masayuki Oku, the new head of the Japan Bankers Association, recently said that Western bankers did not understand self-control the way Asian bankers...

Money Morning Mid-Year Forecast: Oil Prices Down but Not Out

While it looked like they were headed towards the $90 a barrel level, oil prices hit a wall in the spring. Rattled investors who worried about the...

The Case for $5,000 Gold: And How to Profit

The gold bug is unstoppable. Prices are up four-fold since 2001... and they're not stopping anytime soon. Could $5,000 per ounce be in our future?...

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