This Congressional Mishap All but Guarantees a Government Shutdown

The government spending bill currently up for debate in Congress is a slapdash, 2,000-plus-page set of rules.

And thanks to legislators'...

Jaw-Dropping Government Spending Stats: $6.1 Million on "Fancy Goats"

Government spending can seem absurd at times, and this latest example of lunacy is almost too ridiculous to believe.

On the American...


Editor's Note: Romulus Augustus, the last emperor of Rome, had a lot of time to think about what went wrong to cause the...

The Latest Obama Outrage: the Family's $100 Million Vacation

How much do you spend on your summer vacation? American households usually spend about $1,200 per person on summer vacations, according to a...

Why The Fiscal Cliff "Deal" is Spelled P-O-R-K

After narrowly missing the fiscal cliff, the President went out of...

Why Japan's "Lost Decades" Are Headed to America in 2016

It's only been a little more than a week since Shinzo Abe won election as Japan's latest Prime Minister in a landslide-election victory and the...

One of the Decade's Biggest Examples of Wasteful Government Spending

In February we told you that despite nearing $15 trillion in debt - now close to $16 trillion - the U.S. government decided to spend $592,000 last...

Making Earmarks Pay: Lawmakers Help Themselves to Congressional Pork

For members of Congress, the only thing better than getting "pork" for the folks back home is getting a slice of that pork for...

Iran is Now a Full-Blown Crisis, Stage Set for $200 Oil

Just when it looked like we could take a breather from the Strait of Hormuz, all attention is back on Iran.

There are three reasons for...